this post was submitted on 15 Mar 2024
492 points (96.6% liked)


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  1. Keep it civil. We're all people here. Be respectful to one another.

  2. No sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or any other flavor of bigotry. I should not need to explain this one.

  3. Must be tumblr related. This one is kind of a given.

  4. Try not to repost anything posted within the past month. Beyond that, go for it. Not everyone is on every site all the time.

  5. No unnecessary negativity. Just because you don't like a thing doesn't mean that you need to spend the entire comment section complaining about said thing. Just downvote and move on.

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I get that things like this may happen it is just online one written like this is made solely to win the poster internet points .

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I hear you, like “hey guys guess what I’m attractive” type of posts

Edit: just saw your edit above. I wouldn’t interpret those downvotes as anything more than “disagree.” Your current post reads as just skeptical, not homophobic or anything.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

One person insinuated it in this thread

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

OK I just read the adjacent threads. It appears other users were being somewhat overly aggressive and hyperbolic in their disagreement with your opinion, but it also looks like you doubled down and escalated when you didn’t have to, and ended up taking on multiple people unnecessarily.

Free advice:

  1. When someone comes at you, online or IRL, the winning move is usually to defuse, de-escalate, or just walk away, rather than trading blows (incendiary remarks), and barring that to use your opponent’s momentum (let them do most of the talking). This is especially true when outnumbered.
  2. Doing the opposite easily turns a tussle into a brawl and can feel like bullying, as you find yourself ganged up on, when in reality you inadvertently aggressed others yourself.
  3. There’s no reason to puff up or get defensive when someone disagrees with you, criticizes you, or even insults you. If you’re right, you don’t have to prove it to anyone, and if you’re wrong, so what? We’re all wrong sometimes. You can just say “oh I see” or “yeah good point” and be done with it.
  4. A single encounter means nothing. You learn what you can and move on. Usually others already have.
  5. Also be aware that mentioning green text puts people on edge (read: can make them prejudicial of your ideological stance) because 4chan is a notoriously toxic social sphere.

Good luck