this post was submitted on 10 Mar 2024
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“Man In Charge”? What does MIC mean??
Military Industrial Complex
Careful, my eyes almost rolled right out of their sockets.
Did you check @RoyalEngineering's passport? Otherwise, I'm not sure that you can assume they're an American.
Believe it or not, the world is not America.
Got it, you used your psychic powers to figure out what country they're a citizen of.
"You lived in L.A. therefore I know a different internet stranger is a U.S. citizen" is a weird explanation for your psychic powers.
I never said I wasn't a U.S. citizen.
I also know what MIC means.
Or maybe it's just that nobody uses the shortened "MIC" in regular conversation--they would just say the full thing. No need to shorten, just write it out.