this post was submitted on 06 Mar 2024
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“Yeah, I’d like to see myself in AEW or TNA. I talked to TNA, and everything looks good there. It’s just that my schedule’s very packed. I got four kids. If somebody offers me a date that’s gonna pay my rate, I’m gonna show up and first come, first serve. But right now, I’m kind of focusing more on MLW and New Japan. Those are the guys that showed up first at my door, wanted to help me and believe in me. So I’m kind of giving them the ball first. But TNA, AEW, there’s always a possibility. But like we said earlier, with wrestling on TV, especially with live TV, it’s a, I don’t know if you can swear on this, but it’s a poop storm. It’s a poop storm. When you do live TV at any capacity, especially in pro wrestling, it’s a mess, it really is, unless you are very well-organized and perfect at it. Even WWE, even AEW, nobody is, and things happen, things change. I think j just wanted a break from that, and not only a break from that, but from the travel schedule. You know, WWE schedule, won’t say a bad thing about them, they’re great, they paid me, they treated me great. But the work schedule’s very tough. It’s hard, and then just the wear and tear of that and everything else and not just having the ability to go on vacation or do this or do that anytime ever. I just wanted to get away from that, I wanted to get away from the schedule, and then when I do work, I don’t want to be confined to time limits," Riddle said.

“I would like to possibly hit AEW, TNA. I would like to hit as many [companies] as I could. So if I were to go back, I can at least be like, ‘At least I did it all before I came back.’ This might be my only opportunity, or maybe the next ten years will be an opportunity because they don’t take me back. Either way," Riddle said.

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I posted that and it appears here almost instantly... but the italics don't transfer with it... that's something worth knowing I suppose.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

really? weird.. ok I wanna test this so lemmy type this out on's photon

italic button

manual asterisk italic

manual underscore italic

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

(follow up post from normal

ok weird, works for me at least. tried all 3 ways and I can see em on the normal interface. Might have just fucked up via random glitch, but give it another try just in case.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think it was a me problem, I noticed one of my stars wasn't in the proper position.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

That'll do it!