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Contraverse vortex nades have been my go to for several seasons now, and now I get an extra fragment slot and useful artifact perks, feels quite nice. I've been mostly going with the one fragment that got buffed this season that makes an orb and a void breach on kills on weakened targets to fill that empty slot, though it's been fun to have that flexibility.
The new dungeon also feels like it was made for contraverse holds, lots of orange bars with slightly different health values due to the moths, it's beautiful.
In terms of weapons, I've been using deathbringer or leviathan's breath for a while, but I might swap my heavy to the dungeon rocket with envious assassin, 4 rockets in a row is indeed rather funny. My energy is almost always my frenzy demo unforgiven, so I guess I'll start experimenting with kinetic exotics to pair with what I've got.
On the pvp side, the new strand hunter aspect is hilarious and I can't stop using it, especially with bombardiers. Threadrunner in general is also really cool, I love all the aspects so much.