this post was submitted on 02 Mar 2024
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founded 1 year ago

I'm looking for some fun and modern sci-fi movies without superheros; lots of dark and incoherent ones for sure. What am I missing?

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[–] c0mbatbag3l 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I enjoyed it for what it was and was sad to see almost everyone disliked it that talked about it.

[–] TheControlled 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I really dig that movie. Fuck the plebians. I guarantee that movie will be remembered in 10 years.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I don't think I'd even heard of it, but most good sci-fi does better looking back than when it releases. I think that's one of the strengths, but also one of the biggest limitations of sci-fi. The whole point of the genre is to push boundaries, technologically but also, more importantly, culturally. In my opinion, there isn't any good sci-fi that doesn't say something about the world today, and that has to offend (or at least push) some people of today. No good sci-fi is ever going to do as well as the slop that doesn't try to say anything and just entertain.

One of the most recognized pieces of sci-fi is 2001: A Space Odyssey, and if it came out today it'd get some horrible reviews. It's remembered fondly by many though. (As a huge fan of sci-fi, I think it's overhyped now though. It's honestly not a great movie in my opinion, but it is interesting and different.) Sci-fi can often be contemplative, which isn't as actively entertaining as an action movie or show, which often gains it better reviews. It's almost like thinking is antithetical to entertainment, but personally I think the opposite is true.