this post was submitted on 19 Feb 2024
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Why are the people putting the effort into simcity 4 instead of let's say cities skylines? Is it that much better still or is it mostly nostalgia?
Well I believe modding for the newest Cities Skylines is still not available, supposed to be at a later date. Even still the gameplay feels quite different for me, Simcity feels way more laid back, Cities Skylines feel like I have to research being an actual city planner even when only at a small pop of 10k.
Better game, simpler art style, game engine that isn't updated anymore, nostalgia.
Plus as many like to state: SimCity 4 is a city builder, Cities Skylines is a traffic simulator.
This feels like a false dichotomy. Do we know for a fact that the same people modding CS are the same ones modding SC4? Because the mod support for SC4 was extremely good even going back to 2010, thanks to Simtropolis. These could be the same people, and just PCGamer randomly deciding to put them into the spotlight now.