Taylor Swift threatens legal action against student tracking her private jet
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
She is a selfish cunt. Only a selfish cunt would fly a private jet every where they go.
I can’t imagine how large this ugly cunts CO2 footprint is.
Looks like this cunt is upset someone is calling her out on her selfish shitty behavior. I hope more people step up to track her so she gets even more upset.
We should be shaming cunts this like.
In this thread: People so upset about using the word cunt they are willing to ignore the actions of some celebrity contributing to the culture of excess that is harmful to our world, while at the same time making herself look like an uneducated child by tossing threats that have no bite. She's now Mini-Elon to me.
That's the thing for me about this kind of ad hominem bollocks: the discussion invariably goes: "she's an ugly cunt" "no need for that" "why are you so offended" "you should focus on the point at hand rather than calling names" "people are so upset by a word that they lose focus of the point at hand", then the conversation just becomes about why we're not talking about the thing we were talking about.
Plus like, if someone's reading this who's worried about being ugly, they might feel a bit worse about themselves, and I don't think that's the kind of environment we want to cultivate. So, selfish cunt: certainly. Ugly cunt: bit far.
bit rude innit
I am glad you picked up on that part. It was the whole point.
She deserves it
Jesus dude. You have agreeable points of view and then just destroy and legitimacy and sway you may have had with the playground insults. Maybe try and class up your language and people will listen to you more often. I know it's the Internet but damn.
Cunt is perfectly acceptable in Australia and even the UK. We don't need to be so offended by words with little power.
Cunt is not perfectly acceptable in Australia or the UK. It's used more commonly and is acceptable in certain situations. Here it is being used in a derogatory, sexist way. That's not acceptable in either. You need to spend time off the Internet, in the real world.
In the US, if you don't want to agree with someone, you don't attack their points, you attack them personally. That way you don't have to argue against the points and can distract the focus of the conversation altogether.
And I did both. If you’re offended by it then go cry about it just like the cunt swifty. I couldn’t care less if you have an issue with it. Neither do i care about the other complainers.
If all you can focus on is my usage of the word cunt then as far I care that is a YOU problem.
I’ll do what I want thank you very much!
Just curious, do you expect her to fly on commercial airliners? Would you imagine the chaos this would cause for the flight. I dont agree with use of private jets, but I kind of dont have a alternative solution for transportation of famous people either.
Well then don’t travel all over the world every god damn day.
Listen chief. We don’t NEED billionaires flying all over the world every day spewing fuck tons of co2 into the air.
This is why she is selfish cunt.
My guy, if she wants to keep earning money on her concerts she kind of does need to fly around. Does she fly frequently unnecessarily, definitely. I get that you're angry, but it should not blind you to reality of why people fly private jets. It's the first step to fixing the problem.
She is selfish by using a private jet. It's wilfully rude and harmful to other people. Just like calling her a cunt, a demeaning use of a dreogatory term for female genitalia is. At least she can justify her cuntness under privacy. Can you justify yours?