Last year the annual number of papers retracted by research journals topped 10,000 for the first time. Most analysts believe the figure is only the tip of an iceberg of scientific fraud.
“The situation has become appalling,” said Professor Dorothy Bishop of Oxford University. “The level of publishing of fraudulent papers is creating serious problems for science. In many fields it is becoming difficult to build up a cumulative approach to a subject, because we lack a solid foundation of trustworthy findings. And it’s getting worse and worse.”
The startling rise in the publication of sham science papers has its roots in China, where young doctors and scientists seeking promotion were required to have published scientific papers. Shadow organisations – known as “paper mills” – began to supply fabricated work for publication in journals there.
The practice has since spread to India, Iran, Russia, former Soviet Union states and eastern Europe, with paper mills supplying fabricated studies to more and more journals as increasing numbers of young scientists try to boost their careers by claiming false research experience. In some cases, journal editors have been bribed to accept articles, while paper mills have managed to establish their own agents as guest editors who then allow reams of falsified work to be published.
you know, i tend to blame this kind of shit on capitalism, thinking that the drive for profit creates an imperative to deliver published papers, and then i see that china is doing this shit and i just can't help but to think there is no economic model that produces good results and that the entire idea of an 'economic model' is flawed.
please let AI run this shit. humans are just going to endlessly make the same mistakes over and over.
There is no such thing as not having an "economic model." As long as there are people with unmet needs and wants, there will be an economy, and that economy can be modeled and given a label.
so hunters and gatherers had an economic model? i think you might be biased by modernity.
Yes. The hunters would gift their kills to the gatherers, and the gatherers would gift their findings to the hunters. The economic model is known as a "gift economy."