this post was submitted on 03 Feb 2024
31 points (94.3% liked)
Actual Discussion
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There’s a lot of things here I didn’t realize Reddit had lost over the years. A big one is how comments don’t get lost in the deluge of a popular post, and the top comments aren’t low effort jokes that weren’t funny on the last 3 posts. There’s also a joy in finding new communities (like this one!), that fades once you’re adding the thousandth x-porn or meme sub.
Although content was pretty slim at the start, over the past month or two I’ve had moments where I didn’t realize I was on Lemmy instead of Reddit or vice versa. (Reno for reddit is great, because it’s a shit app. Best way to stop going on there is to get disconnected due to multiple API requests. Shoutout Voyager for being great.)
Reddit has also gotten significantly worse since the exodus, which is a bittersweet feeling as a former head mod whose sub got banned for joining in the protest. I miss the glory days, but I’m fucking glad it’s dying. (Dipshit admins didn’t remove me when they re-opened it, so I passed it over to someone who’s still on there.) I’m happy to see Lemmy is gaining steam.
Negatively, I think a lot of people over here are seriously terminally online. I’ve read, bar none, some of the worst takes I’ve ever seen in comments here. (I’m not talking about my comment history, fwiw, although the dude who equated guns to cars is pretty up there.) The “hivemind” leans quite left, which I honestly like, but it does feel like there’s very little nuance for dissenting opinions. That being said, fuck nazis, and fuck reddit for allowing them to disperse their hatred under the guise of “sharing ideas”.
Fuck me, that was a bit of an essay
Someone quoted a Simpsons episode to make a point, let's spend the next 20 comments quoting the rest of the episode at each other
Sounds good. Let’s do the exact same thing when this gets reposted
Short essays are kind of what I designed this community for, so you are directly on point!
I agree with absolutely everything you said above.