‘Gaslit by doctors’: UK women with endometriosis told it is ‘all in their head’
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The is a very common problem. So common that many women seek out female doctors to get their endo properly diagnosed.
Has nothing to do with being "a casualty of war" for looking like they're seeking pain meds. It has to do with a lack of education and understanding, particularly from older male doctors.
Interestingly, when I’ve happened upon threads (in r/twoX mostly) about this phenomenon, many women argued that female doctors were worse about this issue in particular — namely, gaslighting re: severity of pain.
The favored explanations were that female providers tended to relativize the pain described by a patient to the provider’s own experience whereas male providers had no personal experience and thus less reason to downplay, or that, while male doctors face the same pressure to under-prescribe pain medication, female doctors were more comfortable telling a patient that period pain was normal.