Palworld is now available in Early Access on Steam (and Gamepass, I believe)
Rule #1: Be civil
Rule #2: No spam, memes, off-topic, or low-effort posts/comments
Rule #3: No advertisements
Rule #4: No streams, random gameplay videos, highlights, or shorts
Rule #5: No erotic games or porn
Rule #6: No facilitating piracy
Rule #7: No duplicates
That's pretty accurate. I would say it's like if ARK and Pokemon Legends: Arceus had a baby from the streams I've seen. It's definitely not for me, but everyone seems to be pleasantly surprised so far at the very least.
Bought it for my kids, ended up playing it too 🤣
It's survival aspects are very accessible at the lowest difficulty. And the game is just fun, and there's a lot to do and automate / delegate.