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I main Titan and switch between Strand suspend spam build and Arc titan.
Arc Titan with HOIL and and Ikelos SMG is still just stupid strong. I’ll slap on Conditional Finality or one of the Stasis fusions then round that out with an Adept hothead. If we’re doing DPS I try to switch to Curiass before damage starts.
Quicksilver has quickly become one of my all time favorite weapons in the game and that’s what I use on Strand. Having the option to do some good damage with the GL mode and create tangles is fun. I’ve also the Techeun force and Apex Pred you mention on my strand build.
I want to get my hunter and warlock void builds using the new seasonal void mods we have but haven’t gotten around to putting something together.
I really need a Riptide, speaking of stasis fusions. I've got a Vow one with Chill Clip, but it's so slow, especially since you need two shots for it to work.