Why is Google allowed to remove purchases from our Play Store accounts without telling us?
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So if I use your toothbrush to clean my asshole it's fine cuz it's still there right?
If you can exactly copy said toothbrush and then clean your filthy bunghole with the copy it is totally fine, yeah.
But the thing they are selling to you is not only the data. Also the right to use it. When a studio makes a game spending millions of dollars they don't do it so one can buy it for 60$ and others can copy from him/her eh? Try moralizing it as much as you want. (If your being sarcastic sorry about that but doesn't look like it) ~~Privacy~~ Piracy is stealing, and I am accepting I am stealing. No need to think otherwise.
Technically you don't get the copy rights to a book when you buy it either, but you do get that one copy of the book and publishers can't knock on your door demanding it back. You can even lend it or resell it.
However as far as respecting the customers rights, game and digital media companies want to set their own terms.
Is it Piracy to restore access to something you bought and got taken away from you? Well, if it is, I'm pro piracy.