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Debt is such a crazy thing in capitalist society. The fact that debt isn’t inherently visible (you can actively see a person experiencing life without a home, struggling through life without food), you can’t see how much someone is struggling financially and scraping to survive, I feel that it warps our idea of how other people get by. The answer is that they kind of don’t in a lot of scenarios, plenty of people die in debt.
1 in 5 Belgian people is in active debt and 1 in 6 Belgian people says they would be in major trouble were they to miss one paycheck.
1 in every 5 people I see in the street is having some form of financial problems. No one openly talks about their debt, payment plans or how many agencies are after their ass. It's like a silent epidemic in this country. I sometimes wonder what would happen if everyone just stopped acting as if they are fine and have everyone showing how problematic this situation is.
It would be a different world for sure, part of so many people’s confidence in the west stems from individuality, unfortunately debt is also individual-based so plenty of people will self-identify with their watch, their jordans, their car, house, etc. bc it’s so visible, it’s like wearing something that says “I don’t have to worry, I’m double well” and obv it’s not always that, I have like 4 pairs of Jordans I barely wear, I worked hard for them and liked them. But debt doesn’t work that same way, we don’t see someone with a nice car with a bumper sticker showing how many thousands they still have to pay for that car. Houses don’t have nice little decor showing how far you are in debt. If people knew, it would probably shake faith in the system, just a little bit
That’s extremely sad. Those numbers are already horrifying and it just gets worse and worse across the imperial core. That number sits at almost 77% of Americans being in active debt and 55-64% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and unable to afford a 500 dollar emergency expense.
Only made worse by there being no financial literacy, no teaching of budgeting, what credit is, how to navigate loans and credit, how to save, how to open/find good bank accounts. It’s a purposeful trap.
Medical debt in the US is very sad, I don’t know how the US still operates like this, it’s probably the most backward part of daily US culture if you ask me
You are designed to sink.
They want you to have your insurance tied to employment, so that if you try to strike, bargain, or otherwise need to be removed, you will suffer, get trapped in debt, or die if you try to fight back against your employer or the machine.
Combine that with “at will employment” and your boss is able to fire you for any reason whatsoever whenever they want, and you have no recourse to fight back.
That’s a good insight, I never thought about it that way, that it is inherently designed to suppress strikes