
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Fennecs can be barely tamed.

You cannot domesticate something. Domestication requires hundreds of years of selective breeding and conditioning.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

These are all wild animals, leave them in the wild. No one should own these animals except research institutions, rehabilitation centers, and reputable zoos.

Also this better be satire. That last picture is not an ostrich, that is a Cassowary and that thing will literally just straight up murder you. It can gut a human so fast you'd be dead before you even realized what is going on. They are aggressive, dangerous, and extremely unpredictable wild animals.

The only animal on this list that would be a good pet is the Axolotl, but they are very misunderstood and if you don't do the research and spend A LOT of money, it will suffer and have a horrible miserable life.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

Reminder that all "wild pigeons" are actually domesticated offspring that were abandoned by humanity when carrier pigeons were rendered obsolete.

This is why "wild" pigeons are not afraid of humans and love human contact/being pets.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This is blatantly not true. Some of the most radical and active members of the left are part of the LGBT community.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

The ISU-152’s name in Russian quite literally includes the word tank. Casemates, SPGs, and tank destroyers are still tanks.

“Самоходная установка на базе танка ИС с орудием калибра 152мм, ИСУ-152“

“IS tank based self-propelled installation with 152mm caliber gun.”

Quite the mouthful.

It also checks out on the definition front, “a heavy armored fighting vehicle carrying guns and moving on a continuous articulated metal track“.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 8 months ago

"Full war economy" is an insane mobilization of all aspects of a county's industrial capability, and if the US were to undertake such an endeavor it would near instantly implode. This is not very unique to the US though, as modern economies are not designed around being mobilized in such a way, and there is absolutely no way to mobilize a country in such a way without causing extreme and lasting damage; which makes it unlikely for the US and its capitalists to do.

The US is also not "running dry", they have given Ukraine a tiny little bit of scrap from their pile of aging weapons that were primed to be scrapped anyways. Whatever the US is giving is quickly replaced by new war material from new contracts from the Military Industrial Complex.

Active US war itself is also incredibly unpopular, which is why even the most bloodthirsty libs immediately shy away from the thought when its brought up. This is also why the US avoids any and all direct conflict, and instead pokes and prods, and engages in proxy wars.

All in all, all of these factors combine to mean that the US simply wants a new proxy war that they can fund and run contracts off of. The possibility of launching an invasion of Iran is minimal, but the US would froth at the possibility to arm Israel if they decide to launch an attack.

They just want to sell guns, loans, and contracts. War profiteering.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago

Boring not in that its not interesting like a tv or movie, but banal in its presentation in that for those that aren't immediately under threat, the situation seems repetitive and uninteresting. Despite that being exactly what war is. Another striking of the banality of evil.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 8 months ago

War is boring. There must either be something extremely important happening, or it must be continuously hyped up to be interesting.

As has been famously said; "All quiet on the western front".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Jesus. You must be bored at work.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Lem would be Polish work though, not Soviet.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 8 months ago (2 children)

It’s a more grey area, and opens the site up to liability problems. It’s best not to risk it, it’s a simple easy fix and we don’t lose much by not knowing their names.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

He was very bad. He considered himself an “unprincipled Maoist”, then claimed he was always an anarchist, he opposed the Soviet Union, and a whole very VERY long list of issues with his political beliefs and philosophies.

That's before getting into the bizarre justifications and desires of pedophilia.


Israeli armour and mechanized units spotted crossing the demilitarized Shebaa Farms border and establishing firing positions along the border.

Heavy Israeli artillery and air strikes in retaliation for rocket attacks launched by Hezbollah.

Hezbollah claims Israel attacked first by striking key civilian infrastructure with artillery.

Here is his Wikipedia article.

Aloni has been behind many of the war crimes and air strikes in Gaza and the Gaza Strip, and he is also a head advisor to the IDF for military incursions into Palestinian territory.

Aloni was also the architect and general behind Israel’s 2021 “Operation: Guardian of the Walls”, which killed and wounded an estimated 4,000-5,000 Palestinians, and displaced 72,000+ Palestinian civilians.

The Depth Corps is a unit specialising in operations against Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. They were behind many of the Mosque bombings, forced evictions, air strikes, and terror attacks on Palestinian civilians over the past two decades. The unit is currently in shambles and is being reformed behind the lines.


This is the announcement that has just been put forth by the Israeli ministries of internal affairs and the IDF.

Announcement from the municipality of Ness Ziona, Saturday, 7.10.23, time 13:00

Israel is at war.

Instructions of the Home Front Command:

It is recommended to stay next to protected spaces.

Gathering is prohibited:

Over 50 people in a closed area

Over 10 people in an open area

According to the instructions, all the events planned today, the eve of Simchat Torah, are cancelled.

Tomorrow, Sunday, 8.10.23, there will be no classes in all educational institutions.

Due to the situation, power outages in the city.

If it is not necessary, it is recommended not to use the elevators.

The municipal emergency teams are deployed in the area and provide a comprehensive response.

All the public shelters in the city are open and we equip them with emergency lighting, mattresses and water.

The municipal stadium was used as a reception center and is ready to receive residents as the need arises.

The educational psychological service was opened.

Hotline for emotional support for children and parents, call 08-9306010 or via 106 dispatch

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It turned out beautifully and I just wanted to share this masterpiece!


Some art of my sona done by a good friend! I’m really happy with how it turned out, and I feel like the last minute addition of the bandana was a great touch!

Other then that I’ve been trying to brainstorm outfits or accessories that I could give him to make him more “communister” haha. The best I could think up of was holding a flag. Any ideas?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Furry community is now open, and I hope that anyone interested can stop by! As a general hobby board the community will focus on discussion of all aspects of the hobby and furry community as a whole. This can range from sharing art, discussing personal progress with art, discussing news in the fandom, discussing conventions, artistic tips and tricks, suitmaking, and anything else that you can think of!

As well as what was previously mentioned, for those that are not furries but may be curious or confused about the community, feel free to use the board to asks question that can be answered by members of the community!

The creation of this community came from feeling that having more general hobby communities can help diversify Lemmygrad while simultaneously offering a little reprieve from the constant stream of politics. From this, I thought that there would be no better community to establish here then the furry fandom! A vast majority of the fandom identify as LGBTQ+, a large portion are nuerodivergent, most identify as some from of leftist, and lastly the community focuses on the Marxist ideal of exploration and expression of the self through artistic endeavors. All factors which come together to create the perfect leftist hobby community!

As a general hobby board the content posted does not need to be explicitly Marxist or political, but content will still follow general Lemmygrad rules.

I hope to see you on the board! All are welcome!


I hope everyone has been doing good and that these past few months have been well for you. Its been quite the trip for me, and I wanted to apologize for not being able to contribute these past few months like I was able to previously.

I was dealing with the possibility of receiving a life changing and potentially terminal cancer diagnosis. Simultaneously I was also dealing with the end of my semester and a plethora of exams, papers, and projects; along with job hunting to support myself these coming months. These left me with little time and energy to myself, and I wasn't able to participate here.

Thankfully the tests for the diagnosis were false positives and the problem was instead very minor and has been dealt with. I also finished off my semester as strong as I could with perfect marks! Which has in turn allowed me to transfer from my small local college, to a much more prestigious university!

I did also want to apologize for leaving on a sour note, as while I did have a lot going on which led to my fuse being short, I still feel terrible about my previous exchange and have no excuse for it. If Maud Dibber is reading this, I would also wish to apologize to you directly and expressly.

Overall things have been going much better then before for me, and I look forward to contributing again!


It took the poor guy a while, but Pluto just completed a whole rotation around the Sun! The last time this happened was 1774 and the next time this'll happen will be in 2271! It takes Pluto nearly 248 Earth years to complete a single rotation!


I’m very sorry for rambling and writing terribly. It’s very late where I am and I feel exhausted after spending all day fighting myself again. I’ve been putting off sending a post like this for a while, but I just feel like I’m at the end of my rope. Hopefully I make at least a little sense. I just started typing and wrote from my heart without looking back. Thank you for reading.

I’m just very confused and its destroying my mental health. Thinking of the future in general is soul sucking. I don’t have dreams of traveling anymore, or going out with friends, or having a family or a high paying job. All I have is stress and fear from the very idea of working 40+ hour weeks at a dead end capitalist job with no vacations, no benefits, no sick days, playing a capitalist rat race, not having enough money to save up and support myself, and not having enough time or money to do anything interesting or worthwhile. I feel like I’m trapped in a cruel hell.

I’m currently in the college hell of trying to determine what to major in, and more importantly pursue in the future as a career or field. I’m quite lost and extremely anxious going through this. I feel that most of my interests are laughable and/or translate to poorly paying jobs, or are social “negatives” that can only be rarely applied in a very niche collection of spaces in a capitalist system (i.e. Marxism). For example I was very interested in political sciences, but jobs are one in a million if I weren’t to pursue academia or law which I’m not particularly interested in. Even then what little jobs there are are pretty much all for neoliberal, conservative, and imperialist; corporations, thinktanks, and government institutions. Along with that, all my dreams of the future feel empty and impossible now, as I have a hard time finding any strength to fight back against the system alone. It’s hard to see the purpose is trying. I feel like I made a big mistake walking out Plato’s cave and seeing the world for what it is. I wish I could go back to the blissful ignorance.

I can’t even decide what I like anymore, I don’t enjoy anything useful like Comp Sci or Medicine, and I don’t feel a particular strong passion or interest for any field, even ones that don’t pay well or are rare. For example I have a friend in art school, which while an unconventional and poorly respected path in the capitalist hellscape, they find great passion and interest in what they do and love every moment of it. Letting them pay little attention to the future.

Meanwhile I feel trapped thinking about the failure I will amount to as I am stuck paralyzed. All I can think about is the hellscape of the system I’m trapped in with no way to claw out of. Like a bad dream that you can’t wake up from.

I’m very privileged to have been able to see a a very distinguished and well respected therapist and psychologist for what’s been going on in my life, but even they’re clueless. All they can give are sad platitudes, and depressing agreement to what I say. They are a wonderful person and try their best, but it seems like there’s little someone can do to help a problem like this.

I feel trapped and cursed.


As we all know, Hakim is just a white Wisconsin man from New Jersey trapped in JT’s basement.


A sad day for the trans community…

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