this post was submitted on 07 Jan 2024
-2 points (41.7% liked)


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A supportive, loving community run by and for LGBTQ+ people and their allies.

Feel free to discuss anything related to LGBTQ+ issues, and remember that despite everything, we all very literally are in this together.


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founded 1 year ago

Hey there, wonderful souls of the internet! ๐ŸŒˆโœจ

I'm Ben, a 21-year-old on the cusp of turning 22, and I want to share a piece of my heart with you. Life's journey has taken me through highs and lows, and today, I find myself standing at a crossroads - one that revolves around love, self-discovery, and the strength to embrace my authentic self.

It's no secret that the quest for love can be both thrilling and challenging. Recently, I've faced the hurdles that come with self-image and acceptance. As I celebrate who I am, I've also grappled with the realities of gaining weight, reaching 98 kgs. It's been a journey of self-reflection, and yes, some heartache too.

One chapter of my life saw a previous relationship come to an end, with weight becoming a focal point. It stung, but it also became a catalyst for my personal growth. I realized that true love begins within, with a deep and unyielding love for oneself. It's about embracing every curve, every inch, and celebrating the unique person we are.

So, here I am, standing tall and proud, sending out vibes of self-love and positivity into the vast expanse of the internet. As I navigate the path to finding love again, I am reminded that the right person will see beyond the superficial and appreciate the beauty that lies within.

To those who have faced similar struggles, remember that you are not alone. Let's encourage each other to be our authentic selves and radiate the confidence that comes from within. Love, after all, knows no bounds and transcends societal expectations.

As I blow out the candles on my 22nd birthday cake, I'm making a wish not just for me but for anyone who has ever felt the weight of judgment or struggled to find love: May we all find someone who sees us for the incredible beings we are, beyond appearances and societal norms.

Here's to the journey of self-love, growth, and the hope that true connection awaits us just around the corner. ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

With love, Ben

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[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I understand but I've been heavy since birth I hit the gym and I am super athletic but I still have a huge body recently I gained more weight due to stress

[โ€“] 13esq 1 points 9 months ago

I'm sorry, I don't accept that. No one is "born fat", it takes years of consistent over eating.

I love that you tried the gym, but weight is lost in the kitchen, the gym is only for getting fit/strong/toning up.

I hope that you can find a better outlet for your stress than eating.