A community all about flags! Feel free to post flags you like (or dislike), flag designs of your own, flag-related news, or anything else of the sort. ### Rules **Be civil.** As per's terms of service, be respectful to others. Harassment, racism, homophobia, etc. will not be tolerated. **Don't plagiarize.** If you post someone else's flag design, make sure to clearly credit the original creator so that it doesn't appear to be your own. This obviously doesn't include established flags (i.e., you don't need to worry about crediting the designer of the U.S. flag). **Stay on topic.** Please only post about flags. You can post flag designs, flag collections, flag news, flag discussions, or whatever else, but it needs to be at least somewhat related to flags.
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I keep mentally adding teeth to the concave of the dark blue part. Like a big blue alligator.
But I like how simple and recognizable it is compared to some state flags.
Haha, that's fun. But on a somewhat but not really related note, something cool about this flag is that you can take the inverted chevron & star and add whatever you want, and it'll still be recognizably Minnesotan. You can replace the light blue field with a pride flag, change the colors of the flag entirely, or add alligator teeth ig, and you can still tell that it's a Minnesota flag variant. It's kinda like the rectangle with 50 stars in the U.S. flag, and it's great to see flags that can be remixed like this.
... You know I hadn't thought of it like that. That's a good point.