this post was submitted on 02 Jan 2024
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As a PC-only player, I don't recall a year with so many mixed highs and lows.
Baldur's Gate 3 is definitely deserving of GOTY and was a personal highlight as well, but I was also looking forward to both TLOUpt1 (one of my favourite games series to be previously locked to consoles), and Starfield.
In the end, I enjoyed both but neither in the way I'd hoped (TLOU took months to polish, and SF punched below my expectations).
Still an amazing year, and RE4 and Hogwarts Legacy were both high points as well. RDR2 is one of my favourite games of all time, but given how the content pales in comparison to what GTAV gets, I'm surprised to see it win here.
RDR2 didn't win because of the content but because it feels indeed like a labour of love in every aspect of the game.