this post was submitted on 30 Dec 2023
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A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don't control.


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Anyone who knows me knows that I've been using next cloud forever, and I fully endorse anyone doing any level of self hosting should have their own. It's just a self-hosted Swiss army knife, and I personally find it even easier to use than something like SharePoint.

I had a recurring issue where my logs would show "MYSQL server has gone away". It generally wasn't doing anything, but occasionally would cause large large file uploads to fail or other random failures that would stop quickly after.

The only thing I did is I went in and doubled wait_timeout in my /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

After that, my larger file uploads went through properly.

It might not be the best solution but it did work so I figured I'd share.

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

If you do end up using postgresql, over time the database could end up getting fragmented and that can lead to increased latency, so routine pg_repacks imo are a worthwhile thing to schedule.