this post was submitted on 18 Dec 2023
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"Incompetent captain invites passenger to navigate, who promptly mistook the clouds for African mountains and plotted their course dangerously close to shore. Said captain then put the rich people on life boats and everyone else on an improvised raft (that had been built to put cargo on in hopes the ship would come off the shallows), but cut them free after they realized the raft was dragging them out to sea. He caused the death of over 140 souls."
How's that?
I remember obsessing about this tragedy a few months back when That Chapter covered it. Bleak barely covers it. I seem to recall reading that multiple crew members were concerned about the course from the start, and had they spoken up (if they didn't) or been heeded (if they did), there'd be no story here.
Sorry if my comment came across as negative, I didn't mean for it to sound that way.
Thanks for the link. It's an unbelievable story. Everything seems to have gone so incredibly wrong. And you're right, if they'd stopped the captain's original mistake, it could have been a non-event.
None taken, friend.