this post was submitted on 14 Dec 2023
273 points (95.0% liked)

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Jimmy I still remember your ultra religious father busting into your room as we listened *to my tape of AC/DC and him yelling at us how "we" don't listen to that kind of music in his house.

I also recall within a year your older sister was knocked up as a teen, and you went to juvenile detention not long after and seemed to never stay out for very long.

I'm sorry for the evil I brought upon your family for playing Highway to Hell for 40 seconds that day...

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[โ€“] adam_y 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, police that internet.

Also, they could have googled. They could have checked. But they didn't. They decided to say someone was wrong without checking their own facts.

And that's deserving of a snarky "confidently incorrect".

I'm not even mad you've resorted to name calling. Jackass. Nice one.