A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
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We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and discussing things that might get ignored elsewhere. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.
Dissent is allowed in the comments, but try to be constructive; if you do not agree, then provide a reason which is backed up by references or a reasonable alternative interpretation of the provided facts. That means the left wing is welcome to state their opinions, but please keep it in good faith.
A polite request, not a rule, if you feel the need to report a comment, please don't reply to it.
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Our side may support Nazis but at least we keep the wrong people from being happy...
What's weird is I thought I left a comment giving you an official warning.
Well, here it is.
Rule 3, bad faith. Official warning.
Bad faith? Like censoring users who don't support the echo chamber?
Please read the sidebar. Also the pinned post might help clarify.
Fuck off with your censorship bootlicker
Rule 1 Abusive Language, Rule 3 Bad faith. 1 day ban.
It always cracks me up how wrong liberals are about everything.
I support a single payer system.
Even Trump praised it.
Maybe you’re a closet conservative and you didn’t even know it.
The major debate is how to fund it, how to change the system and not end your like Canada or Europe where it’s in name only. I don’t want Medicare for all. I want something more akin to the Australian system.
You realize the Earth has done that in the past as well? We survived. We will adapt.
You just ignored everything I said because you were excited to repeat that trope. Follow the money.
Do you even read what anyone says? Or is this an attempt at a straw man. I clearly pointed out the climate it changing as it has since the inception of time.
Are you a doctor? I am, so don't tell me how the process works. I am published, you are not. Money taints the process. It's a well known fact that money taints the results.
Not sure what you think satellites have to do with what I said.