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That's a lot of nerfs
Yeah. RIP bonk hammer. Banner of War needed a nerf though. It's too strong right now. More nerfing to PVE ability uptime because they make PVP suck is getting tiring. Also, it's abundantly clear that when Bungie invented Well of Radiance they thought it would be gone w/ Destiny 3 after like 2 years. They can't design encounters where it's not useful in some capacity.
If we have to keep nerfing fun things to combat power creep then maybe it's time to rip off the band aid and make a new game.
As a Titan main, Stasis changes aren't moving the needle for me either. Maybe whenever we get this "Frost Mail" added.
I’ll have a go at the new bonk, but I’m not too pleased. But yeah banner did need a nerf, it was just a little too good.