submitted 6 months ago by Dust0741 to c/selfhosted

Have any of you android users setup an iMessage server such as BoueBubbles or AirMessage? Or some similar?

If so, how well does it work? Is only an apple account required? Do apple users send your email an iMessage? Also, was it easy to setup?


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[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

I just use Beeper. I had my own Matrix server up but getting all the bridges to work was cumbersome.

[-] Dust0741 3 points 6 months ago

Hmmm how is Beeper? Isn't it run on someone's Mac instead of your own? Is it FOSS?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Beeper's software stack is partly open source. They develop the mautrix bridges for WhatsApp, Signal, Discord and many more as open source.

What they keep closed source is their clients (and probably infrastructure).

The documentation to host their bridges is great [1] and the bridges works with most server implementaions (I know of Synapse, Dendrite & Conduit).

I'm running signal and whatsapp bridges for years now without problems, but it's definitely simpler to pay for Beeper.

The problem with these bridges is that they have to decrypt messages and encrypt them again with matrix. This means anyone who controls the server running bridges has access to your messages. Self-hosting means I'm still in control of my data.

[1] https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/index.html

[-] Rootiest 2 points 6 months ago

I'm running signal and whatsapp bridges for years now without problems, but it's definitely simpler to pay for Beeper.

Beeper is free

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Thank you, I didn't know that they've changed their pricing to include a free plan.


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this post was submitted on 17 Nov 2023
5 points (72.7% liked)


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