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Destiny 2 Builds for character builds
LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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This seems wild. Wonder if they're extending this season and next season or just next season. Since I highly doubt we'll get a filler season after next season since next season leads into TFS.
My clan thinks this is due to massive mismanagement on Bungies part, which may be true to a degree. But with all the lay offs in the industry the last few years I assume the need by the executive suite to make their bonuses via lay offs is part of it too. Sure Lightfall was a wreck, but the seasons this year have all been very good from a story standpoint. Some of the engagement has been iffy for sure (Deep probably being the season with the most issues).
Why did you repeat yourself like that?
Yeaaaa. I ramble sometimes for 'clarity'.
Clovis Bray has entered the chat
It sounds to me like this is a general Sony/PlayStation financial issue that unfortunately affects Bungie as they were bought by Sony
Probably. But Bungie set aside a billion to retain staff. And then a year later from that these lay offs hit. But who knows.
Agree - they were 100% heading this way, but being part of Sony took this decision out of their hands and escalated it, I would wager.
Ouch. Looks like I was wrong.
sony gave bungie 1.2b for retention.
this is on executives imho.
Yup it's come out that we both were, Destiny 2 underperformed in sales and that's the source of the layoffs...
If it is Sony's fault. I really wonder why they couldn't just wait 6 months, ya know, seeing as Bungie does have a pretty important thing coming up in a few months. I get it probably doesn't work that way, but you'd think they'd be like, "Okay, we need to get rid of some of your staff, but we'll let you finish off what you're doing.