this post was submitted on 19 Oct 2023
479 points (89.6% liked)

Lemmy.World Announcements

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submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by lwadmin to c/lemmyworld

Hello World!

We've made some changes today, and we'd like to announce that our Code of Conduct is no longer in effect. We now have a new Terms of Service, in effect starting from today(October 19, 2023).

The "LAST REVISION DATE:" on the page also signifies when the page was last edited, and it is updated automatically. Details of specific edits may be viewed by following the "Page History" reference at the bottom of the page. All significant edits will also be announced to our users.

The new Terms of Service can be found at

In this post our community mods and users may express their questions, concerns, requests and issues regarding the Terms of Service, and content moderation in Lemmy.World. We hope to discuss and inform constructively and in good faith.

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[–] jarfil 4 points 8 months ago

When a cross-instance user posts to a community, or participates in a LW-hosted post, then the Terms of Service keeps its enforce-ability.

Since we both know how federation works, and asking for a boost from an LW's community user ("posting to a community") involves an active use of LW (does it?)... broadcasting up/down votes or boosts to LW, does also constitute "active use of", or doesn't constitute "access to and active use of"?

Can a federated user get banned for up/down voting or boosting the wrong content on LW? Can it be for interacting with wrong content hosted on a federated instance that actively forwards the interaction to LW because some other LW user happens to be subscribed to the federated community?

By accessing or using the website, you and the entity you are authorized to represent (“user” “you” or “your”) signify your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Service.

BTW, many legislations require an explicit acceptance of the Terms of Use as a "legal document", making that part either meaningless or illegal. How is it in the case of LW's "Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Republic of Finland Suomen"?