this post was submitted on 15 Oct 2023
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[–] FooBarrington 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

So for the 3rd time, can you quote TRUMP saying that? Yes or No? YOU specifically said above this was the PRESIDENT of the unitited states saying this, so where are you getting that quote? The article referenced the lawyers defense, not a direct quote of Trump.

Can you show me where I stated that it was a "direct quote of Trump"?

Also, why would I complain to the Independent? Your life may be so uneventful that you email authors of everything you disagree with and have questions about, sorry, I got more going on than that.

Your life is uneventful enough to keep complaining to me, so I figured you'd do the same to the professional news organization that actually did what you accuse me of doing.