this post was submitted on 13 Oct 2023
26 points (90.6% liked)

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S02E02 - Breaking Brad Oct 12th, 2023 on Disney+ 51m NONE


With the TVA on the verge of a temporal meltdown, Loki and Mobius will stop at nothing to find Sylvie.


Dan DeLeeuw


Eric Martin, Michael Waldron
Tom Hiddleston ... Loki
Liz Carr ... Judge Gamble
Sophia Di Martino ... Sylvie
Gugu Mbatha-Raw ... Ravonna Renslayer
Tara Strong ... Miss Minutes (voice)
Owen Wilson ... Mobius
Ke Huy Quan ... O.B.
Rafael Casal ... Brad Wolfe
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[–] IonAddis 2 points 1 year ago

Brad had way too much screentime when it should have been Sylvie.


I really want to see Sylvie become more mischievous. Like, have a mischief-making charm to her. So far she's a bit of a hard-bitten survivalist, and hasn't really had a chance to show off some Loki-esque theatrical dramatics. I feel like a Sylvia very being Goddess of Mischief should have a sort of Hela air to her.

(If I can make a tangent, my pet theory is that in the MCU, Hela is actually Loki's mother, and Loki was half-Asgardian and half-frost giant. Perhaps when Hela was imprisoned, it was right after Loki had been born, thus why Odin was around to find him. And all this would make Odin his blood-grandfather, and Frigga his blood-grandmother. And I imagine they didn't tell him because they didn't want to talk about Hela. And when Hela broke out, Odin again didn't tell Loki for fear he'd side with her instead of supporting Thor.)