this post was submitted on 13 Oct 2023
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S02E02 - Breaking Brad Oct 12th, 2023 on Disney+ 51m NONE


With the TVA on the verge of a temporal meltdown, Loki and Mobius will stop at nothing to find Sylvie.


Dan DeLeeuw


Eric Martin, Michael Waldron
Tom Hiddleston ... Loki
Liz Carr ... Judge Gamble
Sophia Di Martino ... Sylvie
Gugu Mbatha-Raw ... Ravonna Renslayer
Tara Strong ... Miss Minutes (voice)
Owen Wilson ... Mobius
Ke Huy Quan ... O.B.
Rafael Casal ... Brad Wolfe
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[–] IonAddis 3 points 1 year ago

So, X-05...from the previous episode, I almost had the feeling that he was born within the TVA, and didn't actually have another life. And that the general woman might be his mother.

Like, if TVA personnel have kids together, might not those kids be outside the timelines? (Although I suppose if someone becomes a variant because they have a kid they "shouldn't" have had, both the mother and kid might have been grabbed by the TVA. And someone who'd GROWN UP as a hunter might end up a good one, as X-05 was said to be.) But I don't know if there's some detail I missed about X-05 where we were told for sure he was actually a pruned variant, so maybe this thought I have where he was born in the TVA has already been proven false.

Speaking of variants--do you think the reason Mobius is in the TVA, and is so familiar with Lokis, and doesn't want to know his other life, is because he had a run-in with Loki that put him in the TVA? I mean, his name is Mobius. It wouldn't be surprising if there's some weird loops going on here with him.