A community for Bungie's FPS looter-shooter MMO Destiny/Destiny 2
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- for official forums, patch notes, blogs, and more
The official Destiny 2 Companion app for both iOS and Android
D2 Checklist to track weekly content
-, a database of weapons and items
Destiny Item Manager to manage your vault and inventory
Destiny 2 Armor Picker to manage armor and stats
Destiny Tracker to track player stats
Trials Report to view player stats for Trials of Osiris
Datto for guides, general and PvE-focused gameplay, and discussion
My name is Byf for in-depth lore videos
CoolGuy for in-depth weapon and armor reviews
Aztecross for general gameplay, builds, and more
ninjy for weapon damage testing
Other Lemmy Destiny Communities:
Destiny 2 Builds for character builds
LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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Silver is not pay to win, no matter what anyone says. 90% of its uses are for cosmetics, and any weapons that are unlocked via dungeon keys etc have (for the most part) alternatives.
idk, saying you don't have better gear for buying content is just a lie. you can't play trials without paying, so you can't access any of those guns without inserting money. same for all but 2 raids and a dungeon, nightfalls won't let you run them if you don't own the expansion they're from too. i don't think the argument that buying the new releases is "Pay to Win" since this game isn't free to play, no matter what it says on the steam page. that's like saying wow is P2W because you can only level to 20 for free and need to pay a sub/expack to get better gear/levels. if the new gear is rewarded through a new form of content, it doesn't count. if you can just buy guns or rolls for guns or packs of mats, then that would probably be pay to win, but the small bits of mats and gear you get from the pass require you to buy the season, witch is content, and paying for the levels is just the stupidest thing that people pay for, just like the level boosts. (after getting a character to 1800 i got 1750 gear from the 2nd checkpoint in the legendary campaign, not mission, the checkpoint, about 20 minutes into the story.