Are self-driving cars a traveling expense deduction or taxable income, and how would the car report this?
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On a serious note, it happens to me often. We're a small crew of field service employees, and our meals are covered when we'reout and about, so when it's my time to get lunch, I need the receipt, and sometimes it lists donuts.
On an even more serious note, that font really gives me a dyslexic attack. And I don't even have dyslexia.
Yeah eating on expenses this is needed
Per diem is the first thing I thought of.
That's usually what I do, but because of some bureaucratic reason I never understood, some projects don't allow per diem, so we have to provide specifics instead.
I concur, that font the website uses are random.
A friendly heads-up... I am finding a couple more of my favorite comedians with quotes. And the fonts again, out of my control. I will try to avoid the most visually itchy ones.