this post was submitted on 06 Oct 2023
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Korea / 조선

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A community about anything related to Korea, such as news about the countries (DPRK and south), discussion, photos and videos, the language, etc.

See also: [email protected], which is intended for memes rather than serious discussion of these topics.

The picture of this Lemmy community is magnolia (목란), the national flower of the DPRK. The background picture is a scenery of Pyongyang.


  1. No imperialist apologia. The DPRK didn't start the war. US imperialist invasion was not justified. Neither are their army bases in south Korea. The sanctions were and are not justified.

  2. Be respectful. The imperialist media likes to describe the DPRK people as completely brainwashed, and that it'd be fine to completely destroy that country in an invasion. Don't act like the imperialist media.

  3. Be skeptical of your sources. Don't trust the media that has been known to report many falsehoods about Korea already. (You may still link to them if they write something interesting / worth reading, just be careful.)

founded 4 years ago

〈US troops must leave the Korean Peninsula immediately〉 … September World Anti-Imperialist Simultaneous Struggle, Pyeongtaek

Original article in Korean: 〈미군은 당장 코리아반도에서 떠나야〉 … 9월 세계반제동시투쟁 평택

"As anti-North Korea, anti-China, and anti-Russian actions intensify, a war in East Asia following the war in Eastern Europe will inevitably break out"

"Just as the imperialist aggressor forces centered on the United States are spreading the war in Eastern Europe by using Ukraine as a battlefield and using neo-Nazi forces as war agents, they are turning the Korean Peninsula into a battleground in Asia and advancing Japan with Yoon Seok-yeol's fascist forces as the US imperialists. They plan to use it as a base to start the Korean War and the Taiwan War."

(Above quotes from a statement included below)

Article via machine translation and slight editing and links added by me:

The September World Anti-Imperialist Struggle, hosted by The World Anti-imperialist Platform and Anti-American Struggle Headquarters, is vigorously underway in South Korea.

On September 9, in front of the Camp Humphreys US military base in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do, the People's Democratic Party (People's Party), Gyeonggi-do Party and local activists posted a slogan in Korean and English, “Oppose US imperialist war maneuvers!” Demolition of US military bases around the world! They vigorously carried out the global anti-imperialist struggle under the slogan, “A united people will always win!”

First, a moment of silence was held in memory of the martyrs who died fighting for independent unification and democracy, and then the March for Beloved was sung.

The Chairman of the Gyeonggi Provincial Party Organizing Committee of the People's Democratic Party, who presided over the event, said, "US-Japanese imperialism and its leader Yoon Seok-yeol are strengthening the and plotting the while also triggering the Taiwan War." With the slogan, he said, “We will put an end to the American imperialist invasion force, the cause of the world war, and overthrow its henchman Yoon Seok-yeol, hastening the true liberation of this land and the decisive victory of the anti-imperialist and independent forces.”

Participants chanted slogans such as “We oppose the U.S. imperialist war maneuver!”, “We condemn the trilateral military alliance between the U.S., Japan, and South Korea!”, “Down with Yoon Seok-yeol, who supports nuclear contamination!”, and “Let’s crush the Asian Pan-NATO North Korean invasion war alliance!” They shouted,

Pastor Jang Chang-won of the Osan Migrant Workers Center said, “I would like to emphasize that geopolitically, this is the center of East Asia’s connection and the center of solidarity is also on the Korean Peninsula.” “The U.S. military is conducting biochemical experiments all over the world, including the Korean Peninsula.” We continue to protest against biological weapons testing. “American soldiers who do not treat people like humans should leave the Korean Peninsula immediately,” he said.

Also, military training is taking place every day on the Korean Peninsula. There are bombs all around us that should not be used. The underlings of American imperialism include the Yoon Seok-yeol government. Since the Yoon Seok-yeol government came into power, the public security administration has become more vicious and the war atmosphere is intensifying.” “We do not want division, but we want to live proudly as one nation,” and “The United States must stop atrocities that turn other countries into battlefields.” “It will have to be done,” he said.

Hyun Pil-kyung, director of the U.S. Military Base Recovery Research Institute, said, “At the two U.S. military bases in Pyeongtaek, where the 2023 Ulchi Freedom Shield war exercise is in progress, different aspects from previous war exercises and the mobilization of new weapon systems were witnessed.” Training, so-called CBRN training to respond to chemical weapons, biological weapons, and nuclear materials, and gunnery practice at the Songtan U.S. Air Force Base were conducted, and CH-53 large transport helicopters and Boeing 707-based reconnaissance aircraft, which are rarely seen, were seen. They recently took off from Okinawa and flew to the Korean Peninsula. It is believed to be a reconnaissance aircraft of the RC-135 family, known for reconnaissance in and around the area.

He continued, “It has nothing to do with the interests of any working people in the world, and is an alliance solely for the comfort of the United States and its followers, which threatens their lives and plunges them into political powerlessness and economic poverty.” He emphasized, “Complete peace will be realized only when Taiwan is unified and the Okinawan people achieve the withdrawal of U.S. forces.”

Finally, the participants read the global anti-imperialist struggle statement, “Let us rise up in the anti-American, anti-fascist movement, remove the U.S. military and overthrow Yoon Seok-yeol!” and then sang the “Internationale.”

The following is the full statement:

World Anti-Imperialist Struggle Statement

Let us rise up in the anti-American, anti-fascist movement, dismantle the US military and overthrow Yoon Seok-yeol!

The US aggressor's nuclear war maneuver in East Asia is intensifying. At the end of August, the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces conducted war exercises of aggression targeting North Korea, China, and Russia, respectively, near the Korean Peninsula, the South China Sea, and the Kuril Islands. In particular, the large-scale Ulchi Freedom Shield is a nuclear war exercise against North Korea using B-1B nuclear strategic bombers and a preemptive nuclear strike exercise against North Korea based on . , which changed to suit changed conditions, is an East Asian nuclear war strategy that specifies not only an invasion plan against North Korea but also an anti-China invasion plan. Meanwhile, on August 29, the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, in addition to Yoon Seok-yeol and a group of military magnates, also brought in the Japanese militarist aggressor force and conducted missile exercises off the coast of Jeju. The US imperialist aggressors are seriously instigating a nuclear war in East Asia by turning the Korean Peninsula into a nuclear battlefield.

The strengthening of the triangular military alliance between the United States, Japan, and Korea leads to the escalation of World War III. In a joint statement released as a result of the Camp David summit in mid-August, it was revealed that the was completed, saying that the between the three countries is , brought up the Taiwan issue, interfered in China's internal affairs, misrepresented the true nature of the war in Ukraine, which was unfolding as an anti-imperialist and anti-fascist war, and reaffirmed sanctions against Russia. By saying “complete denuclearization,” he made his aggression toward North Korea blatant. As anti-North Korea, anti-China, and anti-Russian actions intensify, a war in East Asia following the war in Eastern Europe will inevitably break out, and its timing will be brought forward. The Korean Peninsula is being transformed into a hot spot by invading forces.

Yoon Seok-yeol, the fascist puppet of American imperialism, is on the move. Yoon Seok-yeol, who has turned outward while preoccupied with being pro-American and pro-Japanese and treasonous, is deepening the confrontation between North and South in order to hasten the war against North Korea and is strengthening his oppressive rule to suppress patriotic forces. Above all, he fully sympathizes with the maritime nuclear terrorism of Japanese militaristic forces, denounces opposition to speculation on nuclear contamination as “unscientific,” slanders the anti-Japanese people as “anti-national forces,” and seeks to provoke an anachronistic “ideological debate” by calling them “communist.” Totalitarianism: The distortion of history is deepening by pouring out sophistry. Ahead of the general election, Yoon Seok-yeol is focused on repressing fascists and eliminating political opponents, suppressing people's rights, and concentrating on extending fascist power. At the same time, ahead of the war of aggression, he is going crazy to eliminate all forces that pursue national independence and peaceful unification in a fascist manner.

We must put an end to the North Korean invasion war strategy, dismantle the US imperialist invasion army, and overthrow fascist belligerent Yoon Seok-yeol. Just as the imperialist aggressor forces centered on the United States are spreading the war in Eastern Europe by using Ukraine as a battlefield and using neo-Nazi forces as war agents, they are turning the Korean Peninsula into a battleground in Asia and advancing Japan with Yoon Seok-yeol's fascist forces as the US imperialists. They plan to use it as a base to start the Korean War and the Taiwan War. The Third World War has begun in earnest due to the US imperialist aggressors, and nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula is imminent due to Yoon Seok-yeol. This is an unprecedented crisis situation. Overthrowing Yoon Seok-yeol is the only way to remove the tentacles of the US-Japanese aggressors, put an end to the North Korean invasion war maneuver, and end the fascist rule. Our people will rise up in the anti-American, anti-fascist movement to strike at the US imperialist aggressor forces, overthrow Yoon Seok-yeol, and bring forward a new world of independence and peace.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: