
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Video from rally:

Article about it by Workers' Solidarity (in Korean): (includes many photos)


(Machine translation + slight editing)

The first rally in support of Palestine is held in Korea... The debate over the 'Israeli-Palestinian War' ignites

October 11, 2023

Since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Palestine (Israeli-Palestinian War), rallies in support of both sides have been held all over the world. Even in Korea, demonstrations in support of Palestine are being held led by civic groups, and related debates are heating up.

Workers' Solidarity and Korea Islam (Kore de Islam) held an emergency rally and march in solidarity with Palestine near Gwanghwamun, Jung-gu, Seoul around 12:30 pm on the 11th.

A total of 200 participants from Egypt, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan, including Koreans and Palestinians, participated in the rally. They held posters such as 'Israel must stop bombing the Gaza Strip' and 'We support the Palestinian resistance' and continuously shouted slogans such as 'Free Palestine'.

Crowd of people with banner that says "Stop Israeli bombing of Gaza! Victory to Palestinian Resistance! Solidarity with Palestine!"

Palestinians and members of social civic groups are holding a rally in support of Palestine in relation to the Israel-Hamas war in front of the Seoul Finance Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 11th. 2023.10.11

The organizers claimed, “Ethnic cleansing and discriminatory oppression by the State of Israel against Palestinians have continued for decades since the founding of the State of Israel,” and “Israel is massacring innocent people.”

At the ensuing rally, Korean Islamic officials, including Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, gave speeches. In the speech, Mr. Amer, a Palestinian, was interviewed over the phone by an acquaintance in the Gaza Strip and said, "Food has been cut off, so there is a huge shortage, and even the means to provide treatment, such as water, electricity, and medicine, are now extremely lacking," he appealed.

The interview was interrupted due to poor connectivity due to the air raid.

Akela, an Egyptian who participated in the rally, unfolded a piece of paper with pictures of Palestinian children listed like a checkerboard in both hands and said, "It seems like the only language Israel uses is terror and oppression. Are the children in these pictures even the youngest terrorists?" raising their voice.

When the speech ended, these groups held a march around the Israeli Embassy from the steps of the Seoul Finance Center, where the rally took place, to Cheonggyecheon Buk-ro.

Initially, they planned to approach the Israeli embassy and deliver a letter of protest, but due to opposition from the police, they had to return to Musan and stop at reciting the contents of the letter near Cheonggyecheon-ro.

Those who participated in the rally appealed for recognition of the Palestinian people, but also appeared to support the airstrikes carried out by the Palestinian armed political faction Hamas against Israeli residents on the 7th.

Karim Hussein (31), an Egyptian who participated in the rally with his family that day, said, "As Muslims and human beings, we participated in the rally regardless of nationality." He added, "This Hamas airstrike is a 'reaction' to the long history that Palestine has experienced so far," he said.

Jeong Dong-seok (61), a member of the Workers' Solidarity Party, also argued that the cause of the war was, "I think the problem is that Israel has been expelling and massacring the native Palestinians for about 70 years."

The group plans to continue supporting Palestine by holding an additional rally in Incheon on the 13th.

Meanwhile, as the war between Palestine and Israel unfolds, rallies in support of Palestine and Israel are being held all over the world.

According to Reuters, on the 9th (local time), citizens in solidarity with Israel held a march in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Additionally, on the 10th (local time), a rally supporting Israel and Palestine was simultaneously held near the Israeli consulate in New York.

At the United Nations headquarters in New York, USA, thousands of pro-Israel protesters gathered to condemn the surprise attack by Hamas, while in Chicago, Illinois, on the 8th (local time), Palestinian Americans, mainly, showed solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Street protests were also held.

In addition, 4,000 citizens demonstrated in support of Palestine in Amman, the capital of Jordan, and movements in support of Palestine are seen in the Arab world, from Ramallah in the West Bank to Beirut in Lebanon, Damascus in Syria, and Cairo in Egypt.

However, some Western countries are wary of the spread of anti-Semitism and attempts at terrorism.

Three protesters were arrested at a demonstration in support of Palestine held in front of the Israeli Embassy in London on the 9th (local time). British Home Secretary Suela Braverman called for a strong response, saying, "Waving the Palestinian flag may not be lawful if the intention is to glorify terrorism."

In Marseille, France, about 200 Palestinian supporters protested despite a police ban, and some protestors were fined.

After a rally in support of Palestine was held in front of the Sydney Opera House on the 9th (local time) and an Israeli flag was burned, Australian police warned citizens not to attend the pro-Palestinian rally planned in Sydney this weekend, saying it had not been approved.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

I suggest studying some Korean history and reading the works of DPRK's leaders and other DPRK authors directly and over time you can form your own evaluation of what they believe and why they have implemented particular policies at various times. I don't have time to write more on it at the moment but you can find some of Kim Jong Il's views on Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, socialist construction, and Juche here.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don't know much about the subject specifically in Gaza or in Palestine in general, aside from this academic paper which is about the use of pinkwashing as a colonizer tactic. Regarding advocacy groups it mentions the group alQaws. Here is an article by alQaws: Queer Liberation & Palestine. Quote from article in which they warn about the weaponization of LGBTQ issues to further colonial agendas:

Israeli settler colonialism, and tactics such as “pinkwashing” weaponize our queer experiences to place us in opposition to our own society and communities. Pinkwashing is a form of colonial violence. It promotes harmful narratives and policies that alienate queer Palestinians from our own communities. Our answer to pinkwashing is to say that liberation is indivisible, and that there will be a place for all of us at the rendezvous of victory. The Israeli criminal government and Zionist LGBTQ movement manipulate and exploit queer Palestinians’ lived realities to advance a colonial agenda. The standards for solidarity and action cannot be set by the colonizer.

Another article from them: No Queer “Co-Resistance” with Colonizers: Confronting Normalization and Pinkwashing

In alliance with anti-colonial coalitions, alQaws developed and popularized the concept of “pinkwashing” to expose how Israel and its defenders use the language of LGBTQ rights to distract from the oppression of Palestinians. Over the years, Palestinian activists came to recognize that pinkwashing is not simply an outward-facing propaganda machine—it is a direct form of colonial violence, one that pushes Palestinians to view ourselves and our communities through the lens of colonial prejudice.

Pinkwashing relies on exploiting progressive rhetoric about “tolerance” and “gay rights,” to conceal the violent nature of the occupation and settler-colonialism in Palestine. Normalization, similarly, draws on liberal ideals of “dialogue” and “partnership.”

5 Way to Support Palestinian Queers

Perpetuating tiresome tropes of presenting Palestinians as inherently oppressive and Israel as a liberal state that protects LGBTQ rights is counter-productive and factually baseless. Israel is a settler-colonial state that offers no rights to Palestinians, queer or otherwise. Our struggle as queer Palestinians is against Israeli colonialism as much as it is against homophobia and patriarchy in Palestine. Israel uses pinkwashing tactics to lie about “saving” LGBTQ Palestinians from their society. We ask that you steer away from these lies that are intentionally used to justify their colonization of Palestine. alQaws and our allies in Palestine will continue to amplify our message as well as provide protection and a political home for LGBTQ Palestinians. Israeli LGBTQ groups do not have a say in the work that should be done to fight patriarchy and homophobia in Palestine, including the incitements led by the Palestinian police.

As I said, I don't know much about it beyond the above, which I have not looked deeply into, so take this information with a grain of salt.


Sovereignty Research Institute is a south Korean site which publishes articles about geopolitical and current events analysis and articles about DPRK. Over time I have been archiving some of their articles via or partially translating some, also during this time their URL has changed (archive version). I just want to create a list to keep track of some of their sections and series, for myself and also in case anyone is interested.

Quote from their about section:

The Sovereignty Research Institute conducts research to realize the sovereignty of the country and the sovereignty of the people. The Sovereign Research Institute was created as an affiliated research institute of Sovereign Broadcasting in 2016 and became independent in 2023.

Note that this list is incomplete as it's a reference for myself that I am just sharing. I may edit or remove/replace it in the future.

Morning Sunshine


"Changes in North Korea-China, North Korea-Russia relations and our tasks" part 1

"About North Korea's Juche Idea" part 1

North Korea Viewed Through the Constitution

Note: As the title suggests, this section quotes different sections of DPRK's constitution and explains them, also giving historical context.

DPRK-Russia Summit


"Significance, prospects, and points of note of the North Korea-Russia Summit" part 1

Special Series


"Palestine Series" part 1

"Anatomy of Chosun Ilbo" part 1


[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

The "patsoc" ideas which promote patriotism in the imperial core and reject decolonization are much different from the socialist patriotism which is anti-imperialist and decolonial. DPRK does uphold socialist patriotism, which is regarded as part of its internationalist duty of completing the Korean revolution by focusing the majority of its attention on Korea, to make sure their revolution is successfully carried out, and which is specifically against promoting national chauvinism, and rejects racism.

DPRK's emphasis on looking inward for solving its problems and on self-reliance come from Korea's specific conditions. Specifically, Korea has been a battleground for world powers for much of its existence and historically had strong ideological currents of subservience to larger powers influencing its politics, which posed obstacles for progressive/revolutionary movements in Korea since feudal times and into the modern era. After DPRK was formed, it also had to deal with the issue of different influential strains of thought among socialist countries, including its powerful neighbors, Russia and China, during the Sino-Soviet split. The opening of China and the fall of the Soviet Union led to further inner debates. DPRK's emphasis on focusing on its own conditions is a necessity for it to avoid dogmatically following other states' lines and thus committing errors in its own revolution, not a blanket rejection of foreign ideas.

I am still learning about Songun, but from what I have read so far, it seems to have its roots in the Cuban missile crisis where US aggressions were ramping up, and finally came to the fore as policy during the Arduous March, when the US was trying to use the economic upheavals after the fall of the Soviet Union, with the US attempting to end DPRK by intentionally starving its people to death. It was determined that in order for Korea to complete its revolution and defend socialism, it would be necessary to heavily prioritize defense due to DPRK being under constant mortal threat from imperialism. Edit: Also, with DPRK's more recent nuclear developments, I believe the policy of Byungjin (parallel development of military and economy) has returned to the fore, though I may be wrong about that. I'd appreciate being corrected if someone knows.

Kim Il Sung on socialist patriotism, preventing chauvinism, and rejecting isolationism

In educating the working people in socialist patriotism, care should be taken to prevent the growth of tendencies to national chauvinism and restorationism. One may be apt to head for chauvinism on the plea of building an independent national economy by one’s own efforts and promoting national pride. If we steer in the direction of chauvinism as Regent Taewongun pursued a policy of national isolation, we will come to reject international exchange and advanced science and technology from other countries and, accordingly, hinder the development of our country. Likewise, it is wrong for us to dislike reading foreign books and feel disinclined to learn foreign languages on the grounds of building an independent national economy and establishing Juche in science. It does not always follow that one is infected with revisionism because one reads foreign technical books and that one becomes pro-Japanese or pro-American because one learns Japanese or English. When learning foreign languages we must not lay stress on any one of them but study Russian, Chinese, English, French and other languages. The point is to learn them for the good of the people and for contributing to the rapid development of the socialist motherland, without engaging in flunkeyism. Besides inspiring the working people with national pride, we should educate them better in the spirit of internationalism. Thus, we will fight resolutely against the imperialists and Right and “Left” opportunists, in unity with the peoples of the socialist countries, and in close unity with many other peoples of the world.

quote about preventing dogmatism in solving problems in the revolution without mechanically copying others

From the work "Modern Korea" by Kim Byong Sik

For countries such as Korea, where the working class has conquered power and established a dictatorship of the proletariat, it is vital to the success of the revolution to work out correct theoretical propositions concerning the transitional period: How to understand the significance and nature of the transitional period, how to set the various tasks of the transitional period according to its different stages, and how to analyze inter-relationships between the transitional period and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Despite the importance of these questions to the revolution, there has been insufficient clarification and various deviations have been committed, with the result that immeasurable damage has been done to the practical struggles for socialist and communist construction. This urgent problem -- the task of solving correctly, theoretically, the question of the transitional period and the dictatorship of the proletariat- was accomplished by Kim Il Sung, in detail, on the basis of the revolutionary principles of Marxism-Leninism.

His ideas and theory were developed in his work, Questions of the Transitional Period from Capitalism to Socialism and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. In this work, he said:

As with all other scientific and theoretical questions, questions of the transitional period should be solved on the basis of the Juche idea of our Party. We should never try to solve these questions dogmatically by becoming slaves to the classical propositions on this question, nor should we be influenced by subservient ideas and follow others in the solution these questions.

In the interpretation of classical propositions it is essential to understand the historical circumstances and the premise on which the classical works were based. Only on this basis is possible to understand the content of classical propositions and to grasp their revolutionary meaning. If the historical circumstances are ignored, it will lead inevitably to a one sided and dogmatic interpretation or to a revisionist interpretation that seriously distorts the revolutionary content.

Specifically, if a classical proposition is applied mechanically to a changed situation, without considering the historical circumstances and theoretical premises related to the proposition, not only will a fundamental error be committed in the theoretical solution of the question but a decisive error in practice will also result. Thus, to solve the problems of the transitional period and the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is necessary to base ourselves firmly on the revolutionary propositions of Marxism-Leninism and, at the same time, to uphold the Juche idea of applying them creatively to suit the constantly changing and developing actual conditions of the revolution.

I recommend this essay on ProleWiki, The Cleanest Farce: How "Experts" Distort the DPRK, and the page about Juche which has sections about Juche's relationship to dialectical materialism and to Marxism-Leninism specifically. Tl;dr is that ML is seen as a correct revolutionary idea but that it, being very old by now and being formulated in the world's first successful socialist revolution, it lacks certain concrete details about socialist construction in the present day and also (naturally) has a different context than Korea's revolution. Therefore it is regarded as a basically correct idea for revolutionaries to follow, but that following it dogmatically is an insufficient application of it, and all countries will need to forge their own path to suit their own conditions as they are confronted with the task of socialist construction and defending the revolution in the present conditions. Juche takes the dialectical materialist view of the world, and it is just dealing more with how people can have a certain attitude and point of view to successfully carry out revolution.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

From a Congressional Research Service report:

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with assistance reflective of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic goals in the Middle East; a mutual avowed commitment to democratic values; and historical ties dating from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $158 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance; from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.

Almost all current U.S. aid to Israel is military assistance. U.S. military aid has helped transform Israel’s armed forces into one of the most technologically sophisticated militaries in the world (see “Qualitative Military Edge (QME)”). U.S. military aid also has helped Israel build its domestic defense industry, which now ranks as one of the top global arms exporters.

This was not thousands of years ago:

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to partition the British colony of Palestine: 55% for a Jewish state, 44% for an Arab state, and 1% for an international zone. In true colonialist fashion, there was no consultation with the Palestinians before the vote.

Most of the two million residents of Gaza are refugees and their descendants (who also have refugee status), driven from other parts of Palestine in 1948. Altogether, more than 750,000 Palestinians were expelled in 1948-49 to make way for the creation of the Israeli state. Another 300,000 were driven out after the Six Day War in 1967. Today, there are seven million registered Palestinians refugees, many still living in 59 refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza. None have ever been allowed to return to their stolen homes, farms and shops, in blatant violation of their rights.

Plan Dalet escalated the level of violence directed against the Palestinian civilian population to an extreme. A typical operation carried out by Zionist military units would involve planting explosives around Palestinian houses in the middle of the night, drenching them with gasoline and then opening fire.

The US's extensive backing of Israel is described in this article:

The United States financially supported Israel from as early as the 1950s. The 1967 Arab-Israeli war was a watershed event in the region’s history when Israel captured massive amounts of Palestinian territory and expanded into Syria.

More than 35,000 Arabs were killed, many of them burned to death by Pentagon-supplied napalm bombs. Ninety thousand Syrians and Palestinians were driven out of the Golan region of Syria. This war revealed to U.S. leaders that Israel could be a highly-effective weapon against Arab and Palestinian liberation struggles.

Israel receives $3.8 billion in military aid from the United States every year — a sum that is also a subsidy for the U.S. weapons industry, which Israel is required to purchase the weapons from. While more and more countries around the world join the consensus that Israel is an apartheid state, U.S. diplomatic support remains a vital lifeline. Put simply, Israel could not and would not exist without unilateral U.S. economic, political and military support.

I suggest watching this documentary to understand more about Gaza in particular.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago

Pretty disgusting of you to make light of the numerous atrocities committed and backed by the US throughout Asia


Summary: PDP gave a speech in front of US embassy in Seoul and a speech in front of the White House in Washington DC. The speech expressed that only when Palestine is liberated can the conflict be resolved, and that the "US and Israel are one body and it is public knowledge in the whole world that the US aggression forces are behind the indiscriminate bombing and aggression of the Palestinians" and "the imperialist powers led by the United States have turned the world into a powder keg of war" using Zionism in the Middle East, NATO in Europe, Japanese militarism and the formation of an "Asian version of NATO" in Asia, strengthening the war alliance against DPRK and plotting a war in East Asia.

The speech concludes: "the deeper imperialist aggression becomes, the stronger a unity of anti-US independent forces become. The Palestinian people, who seek independence and justice, will defeat the aggressive US imperialist and win their liberation. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!"

Link to English statement

Click to read statement here

We condemn the US imperialist aggression! Free Palestine!

The clash between Hamas and Israel is escalating to all-out war. In the early morning of July 7, Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel and its militants infiltrated, reportedly capturing dozens of Israeli soldiers and a number of civilians. In the statement, the Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif said, “Today is the great day to end the occupation. We have decided to put an end to all of the occupation’s crimes. The time is over for them (Israel) to act without accountability,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that “we are embarking on a long and difficult war,” and that “we have begun the offensive, which will continue with neither limitations nor respite until the objectives are achieved.”

Hamas’s armed offensive is fundamentally aimed at freedom and liberation of Palestine. Israel has launched an extensive invasion of Gaza since 2000 to eliminate Hamas, the armed force for Palestinian liberation. Israeli massive air raids in 2008, 2012, and 2014 are just a few examples. More recently, in May 2021, Israel’s violent suppression of Palestinian protesters led to the “11-day war,” in which 242 lives were lost in Gaza, and in 2022, Israel indiscriminately struck Gaza day after day. Israel is also responsible for the routinized pain of the Palestinian people. By blockading all land and sea to Gaza, Israel has turned Gaza into the world’s largest prison. Only when Palestine is liberated can the regional conflict be fundamentally resolved.

The cause of the war is the US imperialist aggression. As soon as the conflict broke out, the US ‘president’ Biden did not hesitate to make most hostile remarks towards Palestine ‘The US stands with Israel’, ‘military to military, intelligence to intelligence, diplomat to diplomatᅳto make sure Israel has what it needs.’ The US and Israel are one body and it is public knowledge in the whole world that the US aggression forces are behind the indiscriminate bombing and aggression of the Palestinians all time. The founding of Israel itself is the result of rob territory by the US and British imperialist after World War II, and the US puts Israel first to invade the Middle East in order to have its hegemony. It’s an undeniable fact that Palestine people are the biggest victims of the US aggressors.

The imperialist powers led by the United States have turned the world into a powder keg of war. The aggressive US imperialist is simultaneously carrying out invasion against anti-US independent states and forces, using Israeli Zionism in the Middle East, NATO in Europe, and Japanese militarism in Asia. In the Middle East, the US aggressors put Israeli Zionists up to murdering the Palestinian people while in Europe, they have been encouraging NATO to expand eastward and trigger war in Ukraine by massacring the Russian people in Ukraine. In East Asia, they are establishing an “Asian version of NATO”, strengthening the war alliance against North Korea and plotting a war in East Asia. Including Iran and Lebanon, Anti-US armed forces’ support for Hamas shows the deeper imperialist aggression becomes, the stronger a unity of anti-US independent forces become. The Palestinian people, who seek independence and justice, will defeat the aggressive US imperialist and win their liberation.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


〈US troops must leave the Korean Peninsula immediately〉 … September World Anti-Imperialist Simultaneous Struggle, Pyeongtaek

Original article in Korean: 〈미군은 당장 코리아반도에서 떠나야〉 … 9월 세계반제동시투쟁 평택

"As anti-North Korea, anti-China, and anti-Russian actions intensify, a war in East Asia following the war in Eastern Europe will inevitably break out"

"Just as the imperialist aggressor forces centered on the United States are spreading the war in Eastern Europe by using Ukraine as a battlefield and using neo-Nazi forces as war agents, they are turning the Korean Peninsula into a battleground in Asia and advancing Japan with Yoon Seok-yeol's fascist forces as the US imperialists. They plan to use it as a base to start the Korean War and the Taiwan War."

(Above quotes from a statement included below)

Article via machine translation and slight editing and links added by me:

The September World Anti-Imperialist Struggle, hosted by The World Anti-imperialist Platform and Anti-American Struggle Headquarters, is vigorously underway in South Korea.

On September 9, in front of the Camp Humphreys US military base in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do, the People's Democratic Party (People's Party), Gyeonggi-do Party and local activists posted a slogan in Korean and English, “Oppose US imperialist war maneuvers!” Demolition of US military bases around the world! They vigorously carried out the global anti-imperialist struggle under the slogan, “A united people will always win!”

First, a moment of silence was held in memory of the martyrs who died fighting for independent unification and democracy, and then the March for Beloved was sung.

The Chairman of the Gyeonggi Provincial Party Organizing Committee of the People's Democratic Party, who presided over the event, said, "US-Japanese imperialism and its leader Yoon Seok-yeol are strengthening the and plotting the while also triggering the Taiwan War." With the slogan, he said, “We will put an end to the American imperialist invasion force, the cause of the world war, and overthrow its henchman Yoon Seok-yeol, hastening the true liberation of this land and the decisive victory of the anti-imperialist and independent forces.”

Participants chanted slogans such as “We oppose the U.S. imperialist war maneuver!”, “We condemn the trilateral military alliance between the U.S., Japan, and South Korea!”, “Down with Yoon Seok-yeol, who supports nuclear contamination!”, and “Let’s crush the Asian Pan-NATO North Korean invasion war alliance!” They shouted,

Pastor Jang Chang-won of the Osan Migrant Workers Center said, “I would like to emphasize that geopolitically, this is the center of East Asia’s connection and the center of solidarity is also on the Korean Peninsula.” “The U.S. military is conducting biochemical experiments all over the world, including the Korean Peninsula.” We continue to protest against biological weapons testing. “American soldiers who do not treat people like humans should leave the Korean Peninsula immediately,” he said.

Also, military training is taking place every day on the Korean Peninsula. There are bombs all around us that should not be used. The underlings of American imperialism include the Yoon Seok-yeol government. Since the Yoon Seok-yeol government came into power, the public security administration has become more vicious and the war atmosphere is intensifying.” “We do not want division, but we want to live proudly as one nation,” and “The United States must stop atrocities that turn other countries into battlefields.” “It will have to be done,” he said.

Hyun Pil-kyung, director of the U.S. Military Base Recovery Research Institute, said, “At the two U.S. military bases in Pyeongtaek, where the 2023 Ulchi Freedom Shield war exercise is in progress, different aspects from previous war exercises and the mobilization of new weapon systems were witnessed.” Training, so-called CBRN training to respond to chemical weapons, biological weapons, and nuclear materials, and gunnery practice at the Songtan U.S. Air Force Base were conducted, and CH-53 large transport helicopters and Boeing 707-based reconnaissance aircraft, which are rarely seen, were seen. They recently took off from Okinawa and flew to the Korean Peninsula. It is believed to be a reconnaissance aircraft of the RC-135 family, known for reconnaissance in and around the area.

He continued, “It has nothing to do with the interests of any working people in the world, and is an alliance solely for the comfort of the United States and its followers, which threatens their lives and plunges them into political powerlessness and economic poverty.” He emphasized, “Complete peace will be realized only when Taiwan is unified and the Okinawan people achieve the withdrawal of U.S. forces.”

Finally, the participants read the global anti-imperialist struggle statement, “Let us rise up in the anti-American, anti-fascist movement, remove the U.S. military and overthrow Yoon Seok-yeol!” and then sang the “Internationale.”

The following is the full statement:

World Anti-Imperialist Struggle Statement

Let us rise up in the anti-American, anti-fascist movement, dismantle the US military and overthrow Yoon Seok-yeol!

The US aggressor's nuclear war maneuver in East Asia is intensifying. At the end of August, the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces conducted war exercises of aggression targeting North Korea, China, and Russia, respectively, near the Korean Peninsula, the South China Sea, and the Kuril Islands. In particular, the large-scale Ulchi Freedom Shield is a nuclear war exercise against North Korea using B-1B nuclear strategic bombers and a preemptive nuclear strike exercise against North Korea based on . , which changed to suit changed conditions, is an East Asian nuclear war strategy that specifies not only an invasion plan against North Korea but also an anti-China invasion plan. Meanwhile, on August 29, the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, in addition to Yoon Seok-yeol and a group of military magnates, also brought in the Japanese militarist aggressor force and conducted missile exercises off the coast of Jeju. The US imperialist aggressors are seriously instigating a nuclear war in East Asia by turning the Korean Peninsula into a nuclear battlefield.

The strengthening of the triangular military alliance between the United States, Japan, and Korea leads to the escalation of World War III. In a joint statement released as a result of the Camp David summit in mid-August, it was revealed that the was completed, saying that the between the three countries is , brought up the Taiwan issue, interfered in China's internal affairs, misrepresented the true nature of the war in Ukraine, which was unfolding as an anti-imperialist and anti-fascist war, and reaffirmed sanctions against Russia. By saying “complete denuclearization,” he made his aggression toward North Korea blatant. As anti-North Korea, anti-China, and anti-Russian actions intensify, a war in East Asia following the war in Eastern Europe will inevitably break out, and its timing will be brought forward. The Korean Peninsula is being transformed into a hot spot by invading forces.

Yoon Seok-yeol, the fascist puppet of American imperialism, is on the move. Yoon Seok-yeol, who has turned outward while preoccupied with being pro-American and pro-Japanese and treasonous, is deepening the confrontation between North and South in order to hasten the war against North Korea and is strengthening his oppressive rule to suppress patriotic forces. Above all, he fully sympathizes with the maritime nuclear terrorism of Japanese militaristic forces, denounces opposition to speculation on nuclear contamination as “unscientific,” slanders the anti-Japanese people as “anti-national forces,” and seeks to provoke an anachronistic “ideological debate” by calling them “communist.” Totalitarianism: The distortion of history is deepening by pouring out sophistry. Ahead of the general election, Yoon Seok-yeol is focused on repressing fascists and eliminating political opponents, suppressing people's rights, and concentrating on extending fascist power. At the same time, ahead of the war of aggression, he is going crazy to eliminate all forces that pursue national independence and peaceful unification in a fascist manner.

We must put an end to the North Korean invasion war strategy, dismantle the US imperialist invasion army, and overthrow fascist belligerent Yoon Seok-yeol. Just as the imperialist aggressor forces centered on the United States are spreading the war in Eastern Europe by using Ukraine as a battlefield and using neo-Nazi forces as war agents, they are turning the Korean Peninsula into a battleground in Asia and advancing Japan with Yoon Seok-yeol's fascist forces as the US imperialists. They plan to use it as a base to start the Korean War and the Taiwan War. The Third World War has begun in earnest due to the US imperialist aggressors, and nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula is imminent due to Yoon Seok-yeol. This is an unprecedented crisis situation. Overthrowing Yoon Seok-yeol is the only way to remove the tentacles of the US-Japanese aggressors, put an end to the North Korean invasion war maneuver, and end the fascist rule. Our people will rise up in the anti-American, anti-fascist movement to strike at the US imperialist aggressor forces, overthrow Yoon Seok-yeol, and bring forward a new world of independence and peace.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago
  1. It seems fine to me as a concept, as it doesn't strike me as much different than any book which has multiple introductions as different publishers pick it up over time. There could also be a page somewhere, "About ProleWiki introductions" which is linked at the start of each of these intros. The page could explain the overall method behind how and why these intros are written and when the implementation of this feature began, for transparency.
  2. Possibly.
  3. Unsure on this. I think more detailed opinions and interpretations might be better placed in an essay, perhaps books in the library can have a section at the beginning after the contextual introduction, or on a related page, in which editors may add links to opinion/interpretation essays on the work, perhaps limited to essays which were specifically written and submitted as introductions for the work (rather than just any essay about the work), or with section headings separating introduction essays from other types of essays on the work. However, as I said, I am unsure.
  4. Somewhat concerned, but as it hasn't been implemented yet, I want to see what happens in practice with a few works.
  5. Nothing comes to mind right away but I will keep this question in mind next time I access a work on the library.
  6. "Introduction to the ProleWiki edition", possible link to "about ProleWiki intros" page suggested above, the intro itself, ending with the date it was written and names of its author(s). Footnotes could start with "(PW)" or something similar.
  7. (1) In general I am happy to see things like this being tried out, whatever the results may be. (2) This makes me curious as to whether things like comprehension questions (such as for self study or study groups) could also be appended to some works in a similar way, if there is interest in it and if the introductions concept seems to be working smoothly? As well as other forms of extra material that might appear in the end of a book, I am curious whether there is interest in that type of thing or other extra material (beyond what can already be accomplished as essays which are not specifically linked or included in a work).

This is a book review in Hankyoreh, south Korea's top center-left liberal paper.


The book is “The Naked ROK-US Alliance,” written by Daegu University professor Kim Sung-hae, who completed a master’s in international affairs at the University of Georgia and a doctorate in journalism at the University of Pennsylvania.

As the book’s subtitle suggests, this book lists the “reasons for resolving to break up with America”

The first reason the author provides is the cost of the alliance. To maintain the alliance with the US, Korea must lend military bases free of charge, foot part of the bill for stationing US troops on the peninsula and be a major buyer of US-made weapons.

On top of these financial expenses are opportunity costs — the potential value of the numerous options Korea has had to forgo because of the alliance. Perhaps best-known was Korea’s decision to let the US deploy the THAAD missile-defense battery in 2016. That turned China, which had been Korea’s biggest trade surplus country since the two countries normalized their relations 30 years earlier, into a major trade deficit country.

Another reason cited by the author is that Korea’s duties as an ally could entangle it in an undesired conflict. There’s a growing danger of Korea being dragged into a war in Taiwan, should such a war occur.

The most serious issue, however, is that as Korea strengthens its alliance with the US, its enemies are growing more numerous, and stronger, too. It’s the US that defines those enemies, and Korea is left to passively follow its will.

The US may well view its rivals China and Russia as enemies, but Korea’s national interest is different from that of the US. There’s no inherent reason why Korea should be an enemy of China or Russia.

The author goes on to argue that Koreans are misguided in their belief that they owe the US gratitude for its role in defending them during the Korean War. While it’s true that the war began with North Korea’s invasion of the South, US actions strongly suggest it had been quietly hoping a war would break out, too.

In the first phase of the war, the US ignored a UN resolution by pushing north of the 38th parallel, which brought Communist China into the war with devastating consequences for the Korean Peninsula. The US also bears responsibility, either directly or indirectly, for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people slaughtered in countless massacres, including the Bodo League massacre, the No Gun Ri massacre, and the Sinchon massacre.

And the Korean War’s impact on the US was not wholly negative. For example, the production of large amounts of military armaments throughout the war enabled the US to overcome the difficulties of an economic recession.

The author also asserts that the US was not the patron of Korean democracy and economic development that many Koreans believe it to have been. All the US wanted from Korea was a low level of modernization. Furthermore, the US was also happy to support dictatorial governments in Korea that butchered their own people so long as they helped block the communist threat. It’s a myth, the author says, that the US paved the way for Korea’s democratization and industrialization.

Another argument made in the book is that Koreans’ experience serving as “loyal subjects” of the Japanese empire during the colonial period prepared them for revering the US after Korea’s liberation.

In other words, Korea is honoring and obeying the US, just as it once did with the Japanese Empire. The fact that Korea has still not regained wartime operational control, or OPCON, of its own military illustrates its lack of autonomy.

While the US would only have control of 40,000 troops in NATO (as of February 2022), US Forces Korea with OPCON would be able to direct the 600,000 troops in the Korean military in the event of a war. Korea can hardly be regarded as having autonomy when it has put its entire military under American control.

For such reasons, the author asserts that Korea would be best served by dismantling its alliance with the US.

What alternatives are there? The author says the best option would be for South and North Korea to jointly adopt neutrality. Cracks in the US-led unipolar order, the international shift toward a multipolar system, and the international financial system’s move away from the US dollar are creating conditions favorable for such a change.

But setting aside the feasibility of that proposal, it’s worth pondering the author’s argument that if Korea is to achieve true autonomy, it must first wake from the stupor of blind obedience to the US.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

As far as I understand, it's subsidies in this case. US will subsidize elements of the Korean corporation's production as long as they build factories in the US but the benefits will be taken away if they have over the specified amount of production going on in China. And the amount they specify for that basically amounts to not allowing them to make any more factories in China and not letting their existing ones be highly productive.

Here's an older article about it: "South Korean companies that invested in the US to build semiconductor factories will have to limit their manufacturing capacity at their Chinese factories to 5 percent or less for 10 years in order to receive US subsidies. [...] The excessive information demanded as a condition to receive subsidies from the US, runs the risk that South Korea’s advanced semiconductor technology and business secrets could be leaked. There is even one clause that requires the return of certain subsidies if companies earn more than a certain amount in profits."


This article is originally in Korean. These are some excerpts with machine translation and my slight additions:

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and the Jeju April 3rd Peace Foundation announced that the identity of the missing April 3rd victim, whose fate was unknown, was confirmed in Golnyeonggol, Daejeon [Note: Several photos of violence and human remains are in that link], after 74 years.

The victims identified this time are 70 of the 1,441 remains excavated in Golnyeonggol through the first pilot project of 'Genetic identification of 4/3 victims from excavated remains from outside the province' conducted by Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and the Jeju 4/3 Peace Foundation.

The person whose identity was confirmed was the late Kim Han-hong, from Bukchon-ri, Jocheon-myeon, Jeju-si. During the April 3 Incident, he was hiding in a field away from the village to avoid punitive forces and armed forces. He came to the military at the end of January 1949 and surrendered himself on the rumor that he would be set free if he surrendered. The bereaved family said that after being detained in the distillery camp, no news was heard.

The list of prisoners shows that the victim was sentenced to seven years in prison on July 4, 1949 and served his sentence at Daejeon Prison.

On October 4, the remains of the victims went through a handover process with the bereaved families, the Jeju April 3 Victims' Families Association, the Sanae Incident Victims' Families Association, and officials from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety in attendance, and a ritual was held at Sejong Eunhasu Park under the auspices of the bereaved families, and then cremated in October. They are scheduled to be repatriated to Jeju by plane on the 5th.

At the site where the remains of the victims are returned to their hometown, the bereaved families and officials, including Governor Oh Young-hoon, will greet them in person, and a ceremony to return the remains will be held afterwards. Subsequently, an identification briefing session will be held on the same day to commemorate the victims and comfort their bereaved families.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is in the process of collecting remains from 2,000 of the 3,900 remains temporarily enshrined in the Sejong Memorial House, including the remains of the Daejeon Golryeonggol victims, and is conducting genetic tests on bereaved families. is planned to be carried out.

Chairman [of the Daejeon Mountain Incident Victims' Families Associatio] Jeon Mi-kyung said, “How good would it have been if something like this had happened to the families of the massacred people while they were still alive?” and “It breaks my heart that many family members of the massacred people are still passing away while the genetic identification is delayed.”

The son of the late Kim Han-hong, whose identity was recently confirmed through genetic identification, died in 2020 without being able to identify his father's remains. However, fortunately, he was able to confirm his identity because he left behind DNA data through blood collection while he was still alive.___



Fifty-nine years ago, on Sept. 11, 1964, Korea sent 140 soldiers belonging to the medical corps to Vietnam as part of the war effort. Over the nine years that followed, South Korea would end up sending a total of 346,393 troops to fight in Vietnam in its Blue Dragon, Fierce Tiger, and White Horse divisions.

In 1999, Hankyoreh 21 broke the story that South Korean troops had massacred civilians in Vietnam with in-depth reporting. More than 20 years later, in February of this year, a South Korean court ruled that the country bears a legal liability to those victimized by these massacres. However, the South Korean government still insists that no such slaughter occurred.

This is the first time that Bình Thanh is being named in the history of Korea’s involvement in the Vietnam War that began in 1964. Bình Thanh is not mentioned in the official “War History of ROK Forces to Vietnam” published by Korea’s Department of Defense in 1979.

57 years ago, as a 10-year-old girl, Tống Thị Kim Loan said she picked peppers in the fields with her grandfather, Tống Mai. [...] the villagers had heard that South Korean soldiers couldn’t get enough of them. The young girl and her grandfather packed the peppers in small bags and took them to the Korean soldiers at the Go Cot base.

When Tống Thị Kim Loan’s grandfather, Tống Mai, arrived at a South Korean military post, he had Vietnamese peppers and a letter in his hand. He was accompanied by Cao Phó and Mai Cắt, who lived in his same village. The three of them represented the village and faced the South Koreans for the first time. All three were born in the 1890s and were over 70 years old at the time. Their letter to the South Koreans was written in Chinese characters. Having learned to read and write Chinese characters from a young age, they assumed that the Koreans would be able to read it as well.

The South Korean soldiers based in Bình Thanh did not have interpreters. The letter contained a heartfelt plea from the village elders: “The villagers are all innocent civilians. Please do not harm them.”

A young Tống Thị Kim Loan was holding her grandfather’s hand when he presented the Korean soldiers with the letter and his gift of peppers.

A month after Tống Thị Kim Loan and her grandfather offered the chilis to the soldiers, the South Korean soldiers paid a visit to Tống Thị Kim Loan’s neighborhood. Instead of gifts, they brought guns.

CW: Details about the massacre

The South Korean soldiers visited her house early in the morning, before breakfast, at around 6 or 7 am, she said. They forced the family outside. She stepped outside with her mother, 30-year-old Mai Thị Én, and younger brothers, 7-year-old Tống Phuong and 6-year-old Tống Hoang. Six members of Von Ke’s family, who lived in the same neighborhood, were also dragged out into the street, making for 10 people in total.

At first, the soldiers handed out canned food, most likely C-rations. Some of them started to set up a submachine gun under a big tree. After some time had passed, there was a huge bang, as if something had exploded. Then, there was smoke everywhere. It was impossible to see anything. The soldiers had set off a smoke bomb.

The thunder of the gun rattling off its bullets shook the ground, and the sound was ear-splitting. Tống Thị Kim Loan grabbed her mother and hid behind her. People fell to the ground as they screamed, and Tống Thị Kim Loan happened to fall underneath everyone else. The gunfire stopped. So did the groans of agony.

Tống Thị Kim Loan seized her wits and got up. She wondered if the soldiers had set off the smoke bombs because they were afraid to see what they were doing, mowing down people with their guns. The soldiers left the village to return to their base without checking the bodies, which was a stroke of luck in Tống Thị Kim Loan’s favor. She suffered only a small burn on her stomach. She can still remember the chilling sensation of the bullet grazing her belly.

Tống Thị Kim Loan’s father, who had fled from the scene, returned at night to collect the bodies with the village elders. A banana tree was planted at the grave of the girl’s mother. Her mother had been in full term. Planting a banana tree to celebrate a pregnancy was a village tradition. When it was time to give birth, villagers celebrated the birth of a new life by eating bananas from the tree. However, her mother would never be able to commemorate anything any longer.

“All the village elders who visited the soldiers with the chilis died,” said Le Van Hien, 76. Presenting a list he wrote on the computer, Le Van Hien pointed at the three names at the top of the list: Tống Mai, Cao Phó and Mai Cắt. These were the names of the village elders who had visited the South Korean soldiers with the bag of chili peppers and a letter written in Chinese characters.

Le Van Hien has been recording the history of how the people of Bình Thanh fought against outside forces. His records from 1930 to 1975 have already been published into a book, which contains stories of people who died at the hands of South Korean soldiers.

Following the end of the Vietnam War in April 1975, memorial monuments were erected in villages where residents were lost at the hands of South Korean soldiers. Monuments of “hate” were built in places such as Bình Hòa and Phú Yên. In some regions, monuments were erected 50 years after the war.

“I will propose the erection of a monument of hate rather than a memorial monument,” said Le Van Hien, explaining that this is because all the victims were helpless elders, women and children. Referencing the Vietnamese government’s slogan of overcoming the past and moving toward the future, Le Van Hien wordlessly shook his head.

“Still, I can’t help but hate. Incidents like this should be abhorred forever,” he said.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

North Korean athletes were officially welcomed at their living quarters in the Chinese city of Hangzhou for the 19th Asian Games on Friday, the eve of the opening ceremony of the quadrennial continental competition.

After official welcoming messages and gifts from host China, the North Korean delegation chanted rallying slogans and posed for a photo.

Most of them did not answer reporters on their way back to the residence, but a man who appeared to be a coach said their goal is to win and hoped for a good performance at the competition.

According to the organizers, North Korea has registered 185 athletes in 17 sports for the Asiad, the reclusive country's first appearance at an international multisport competition since the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia.

North Korea finished 10th at the previous Asiad five years ago, with 12 golds, 12 silvers and 13 bronzes.


Article is from Sept. 14, 2023.


News outlet Newstapa and broadcaster Joongang Tongyang Broadcasting Company (JTBC) have been raided by South Korean authorities after reporting in 2022 on an allegedly fake interview claimed to discredit then-Presidential candidate Yoon Suk Yeol. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK), condemn the intimidation and legal harassment of media workers and news outlets and urge the authorities to cease all investigations immediately.

On September 14, investigators and prosecutors with the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office were dispatched to the offices of online news outlets Newstapa and broadcaster Joongang Tongyang Broadcasting Company (JTBC), seizing materials related to a 2021 interview between trade union leader and former journalist Shin Hak-lim and Kim Man-bae, a key figure in a land development scandal.

Announced on September 7, the decision by authorities to prosecute media professionals and outlets marks the first actioned prosecution related to press coverage since 2008. However, since his election in 2022, President Yoon has been at the centre of several attacks on press freedom. In October 2022, the MBC was targeted through legal action and protests led by PPP lawmakers, after the broadcaster allegedly misrepresented comments made by the President in a hot mic incident. President Yoon later excluded journalists and media workers with the outlet from a presidential envoy to the G20 in November.

JAK President Kim Dong-hoon said: “We express concern about the increasing intensity of the government's media suppression as we approach next year's general elections. The ruling party in South Korea, the People Power Party(PPP), has not only taken legal actions against media outlets and journalists who reported on the dialogue records of our fellow journalists, Shin Hak-lim and Kim Man-bae, both of whom have a journalism background but also against journalists who quoted and covered these records. Moreover, they have even targeted political commentators who wrote articles about the related content. Furthermore, they have filed defamation complaints against radio hosts who reported on the incident. […] The JAK, along with other major media organizations, is committed to staunchly opposing the ruling party's endeavours to manipulate the media and will dedicate their collective efforts to safeguarding press freedom.”

The IFJ said: “These raids and investigations against media outlets are the latest in a concerning trend of media rights violations led by the incumbent government in the Republic of Korea. The IFJ urges the prosecutors’ offices to withdraw all investigations against Newstapa, JTBC, and the outlets’ journalists, and calls on the People’s Power Party to ensure that press freedom is upheld and protected.”

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

I don't unfortunately


"The combined number of those seeking to stay in China and those wanting to return to the North is actually greater than those hoping to reach South Korea."

"The more South Korea and the international community get involved in defector issues with their own political agenda, the more likely it is to end up further cementing our national division."

Lee Sung-hwan (pseudonym): "I hate being called a ‘defector.’ I didn’t leave because I’m opposed to the politics in North Korea. I’m just someone who left to earn money, and I plan to return once I’ve made some."

Note: Hankyoreh is a center-left liberal newspaper from South Korea.


Since 1997, Cho has met with North Korean defectors primarily in China’s Yanbian prefecture and the North Korean-Chinese border region. Other than last year, when the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible to visit China, he has met with defectors virtually every year for the past two decades or so. Based on his meetings, they presented quite a different image from the one commonly perceived in South Korea, he said.

For example, Cho administered a survey to 100 female North Korean defectors whom he had met with three or more times between August 2001 and October 2003. Forty-one of them said they wanted to travel to the South, while the other 59 did not: 34 wanted to return to North Korea, 21 hoped to remain in China, and four wanted none of the above. Indeed, Kim Ryon-hui, the so-called “Pyongyangite in Daegu,” has demanded repatriation ever since she arrived in the South in 2011, insisting that she only came because she had been “deceived by a broker.”

Lee Sung-hwan (pseudonym), one of the defectors who hoped to return to the North, is quoted as saying, “I hate being called a ‘defector.’ I didn’t leave because I’m opposed to the politics in North Korea. I’m just someone who left to earn money, and I plan to return once I’ve made some.”

Pak Kyong-hwa (pseudonym) is a native of Onsong, North Hamgyong Province, whom Cho met in the Chinese city of Yanji in 2014. “If it’s someone who left after committing a crime, someone who’ll be punished if they go back, you’ll never hear them talk about going back to North Korea. But people like us just quickly earn money and go back,” she explained.

“Certain brokers, NGOs and missionary groups have been orchestrating and expanding North Korean defections to South Korea for political purposes. And as certain far-right and conservative media in South Korea and Japan have either parroted the things they say or actively orchestrated things themselves, things have really crossed the line,” Cho said.

The primary victims of actions like these are the defectors themselves. Orchestrated defections lead to intensified controls on the North Korean-Chinese border, leaving far fewer options available to those who seek to remain in China or return to the North.

Some defectors, NGOs and missionary groups have also taken advantage of this “defector myth” to perpetrate fraud. As a representative example, Cho mentioned the Yerang Mission incident, which the Supreme Court declared a case of fraud in 2008. Beginning in the early 2000s, the mission appropriated over 2 billion won (US$1.8 million) in donations raised through internet posts about “risking death to evangelize in North Korea” and the “martyrdom and defections of North Koreans.” In 2006, the church was tried amid accusations by congregation members, and most of the messages it posted were found to have been false.

“The more South Korea and the international community get involved in defector issues with their own political agenda, the more likely it is to end up further cementing our national division,” he warned.


[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

United Nations Population Fund's summary of DPRK's 2008 census: "Housing is provided by the government free of charge. It is the responsibility of the state to provide housing to everyone. Hence, there is no homeless population." (p. 4)

Unfortunately, I haven't yet double-checked that particular document's authorship (i.e., is it the UNFPA summary as the uploader's description states? Or is it the summary that DPRK's statistics bureau submitted to UNFPA? Or something else?), so take it with a grain of salt and try to verify it if you're going to be using that quote for something.

More info (although not exactly what you asked for, but maybe some will interest you)

DPRK Socio-Economic, Demographic and Health Survey, 2014: This one is co-written by the DPRK's Central Bureau of Statistics and the United Nations Population Fund. There is no specific mention of homelessness in the report but lots of information about housing.

Article: North Korean defector says no homelessness in Pyongyang: "Kim Ryon-hui, the North Korean defector who had said she was tricked into traveling to South Korea by Seoul’s spies in China, said life is better in the North. [...] Kim said South Koreans know very little about life in North Korea, and that upon her arrival in the South, she was surprised by the sight of numerous homeless people in the Seoul subways. Kim said she had never seen homelessness in Pyongyang, because if someone is lost they are taken to their home by a helpful stranger. 'I was surprised that [homeless South Koreans] don't look for their parents or siblings,' she said, stating she had lived in a socialist country for 42 years." (Oddly, this news outlet appears to have been bought at some point by a company connected with the anti-communist Moon organization) (More about Kim Ryon-hui's attempts to return to DPRK and being held in the south against her will)

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

I learned Esperanto when I was pretty young. Although I wouldn't regard it as the right candidate for the purpose of being the world's second language, I'm definitely glad I learned it. By knowing Esperanto as a kid/teen from the imperial core, I ended up casually chatting with people from China, Iran, and central Africa (mainly Burundi, Republic of the Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo), regularly listening to radio programs from Cuba, China, and Poland, and seeing lots of Esperanto art and culture that had been made in the Soviet Union. It really did introduce me to a lot of different perspectives that, at the time, I didn't realize were basically censored where I came from. And of course in general I met people from many countries. I would say that in any random conversation or community, I mostly met people from Europe, Brazil, and China.

The usual criticisms of it are pretty much valid in my view. However, just taking it as one language among many rather than pushing it as "the" solution for a world auxlang, I think it's worth studying a bit if it intrigues you. I'd say another valuable thing I learned by being in the Esperanto speaking 'sphere' since a young age is that I really saw what kind of things it takes to get people organized to do something, what it takes to popularize an idea, and what kind of stuff absolutely does not work for getting people to believe or do something (there's a lot of that in Esperanto communities lol). It's also interesting to watch the development of the language, because it is a living language that grows and changes on its own at this point, while also having a regulating body, and a ton of highly opinionated idealists arguing constantly about this stuff. In that sense I find it an interesting window into how people manage and conceive of development in things. Finally I think it's an instructive case in observing the growth and development of an auxlang, which could aid future, improved projects in that vein.

Having studied a few different languages, I will say that in my opinion, Esperanto lives up to the claim of being easy to learn. If you speak a Romance language it will be especially smooth sailing. When I have spoken with people who learned it from a completely non-European language background, they said it took a while to learn the vocabulary and that the pronunciation was difficult in some regards, but it was otherwise easy compared to natural European languages, which I would guess is owing to its lack of irregularities in grammar and spelling, its flexibility in grammar, the lack of demand that people have a particular accent, and the lack of strict collocations.

A lot of people dislike it that Esperanto lacks certain cultural things that natural languages have. IMO that kind of comes with the territory of learning a constructed language. Personally, I think it's fun, as it creates kind of a playful/creative atmosphere. Esperanto serves as more of a tool or vehicle for sharing cultural things than as a deep well of culture in and of itself.

Like most things, the Esperanto community is full of liberals. This becomes somewhat balanced by the community itself being focused on trying to meet people from other countries and the community having a general curiosity for the world and wanting to do cultural exchange. But you will find many liberal and some reactionary opinions flying around in Esperanto communities. The idea/original "plan" behind Esperanto was pretty idealist (although I do think conlangs can have very real, useful applications worth exploring), so the community has a bit of that in its veins.

Personally, I am happy I learned it. I don't use it frequently these days, but I do enjoy listening to a few songs, and I'll always be happy about the friends I made, or to randomly run into someone else who speaks it and have a chat. Is it something I highly recommend? No, not really. But if it interests you, I think it's something fun to do, and you'll meet new people, and may find chances to travel or work using the language if you really look (you'd be most likely to find work in Europe or China using Esperanto if you managed to do so).

Final note: You can take a VR tour of an Esperanto museum in China here. I thought it was pretty cool.

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