The first version of Boost for Lemmy is almost ready. If you want to test the app for bugs and give feedback before the app is published, follow this link to enable an early access option on the Boost for Lemmy Play Store listing.
Thank you! Ooh boost is fully back in the game for me! :) yes, dynamic theming was the setting I needed :) thank you massively for improving my Lemmy career and battery life :)
I would restart my phone to see if that changes anything. If that doesn't work I would clear app data and cache. If that doesn't work I would uninstall and reinstall app.
Thank you! :) I found that it was dynamic theming in the end, but I should probably do these things anyhow to flush things every now and then, so I'll try and remember. :)
Settings -> Theme -> Customize Colors -> Amoled Black
Settings -> Theme -> Customize Colors -> Saved Themes -> Black Amoled
Ah that's interesting! Customize colours is greyed out for me - possibly because I've not managed to find my boost settings from Reddit? :)
Thanks for letting me know it's already there, that's awesome :)
Must be greyed out because dynamic theming is on
Thank you! Ooh boost is fully back in the game for me! :) yes, dynamic theming was the setting I needed :) thank you massively for improving my Lemmy career and battery life :)
I would restart my phone to see if that changes anything. If that doesn't work I would clear app data and cache. If that doesn't work I would uninstall and reinstall app.
Thank you! :) I found that it was dynamic theming in the end, but I should probably do these things anyhow to flush things every now and then, so I'll try and remember. :)
That's awesome. Thanks for the hint.