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It looks like their plan is to reset any affected weapons once they've got the fix ready.
Chaos indeed!
They don't have a plan yet, they're just letting us play:
I don't know how they get around a full reset. A wild Crucible weekend is one thing, but people are clearing end-game challenges and triumphs with this. They'd have to reset weapons, reset triumphs, reset titles, reset gildings, reset quest progress, reset inventories, reset collections, etc etc etc
Or they just reset weapons and let everything else stand, in which case CAN YOU IMAGINE THE SALT
I'm not sure what their long term plans are going to be, to be honest. Like you mentioned, they can reset the weapons, but they still need to figure out what to do regarding the result of those weapons. From a technical standpoint, they do track what weapons are used in activities - but I don't know if they track the specific version of the weapon you're using in the API, there is a weapon's ID and then there's an instance ID which is your specific copy of that weapon, which ties it to all the specific perks, applied shader, kill tracker, etc. If they track the instance IDs they might have a way to work through all of that data and find a way to reverse it (which like you also mentioned, will cause a lot of salt when the game is already in a... rough... state PR wise) but who knows.
They can absolutely track weapon instances through activities, so the question is more Is it worth it to individually reset affected activities and handle the side effects (e.g. you do a clan raid with a sparkle-pony weapon but your clanmate has all normal weapons, what happens to her triumph when you lose yours, etc.) or should we just blanket rollback and call it a day. Maybe they've already got processes in place to make the first thing easy, maybe they think it's worth it to do the first thing regardless, maybe they're happy to let everything stand as-is, I don't know, but I'm probably not gonna play much this weekend heh.
Same here, I've had a few friends ask me if I have any plans to give it a go, and honestly I don't think so. I've had fun with a lot of the broken things in the past, like "laser tag" weekend, 12-man raids, etc but this one doesn't seem like one that I have much interest in stepping into lol
More than happy to watch other people go to town on Twitch tho 💥🤣💥