AI Art & Image Generation
A place to share images and art generated by artificial intelligence and similar tools.
All posts must be relevant to image generation with artificial intelligence.
Please include the name of the AI or tool used to generate your image at beginning of your post to promote searchability. Example: "[Midjourney] Picture of a lake."
It's not required, but we encourage you to include the prompt used to generate the image in the description of your post.
To avoid spam, please try to limit yourself to five posts a day. Feel free to add as many images to your posts as you'd like.
Please keep NSFW content to a minimum. Risque content is allowed, but pornographic AI art is not. There are plenty of other places to share that. Posts not flagged as NSFW will result in a temporary ban.
Do not self promote your AI tools you created without mod permission. Also any other post about AI tools that seem sketchy will be removed and the user banned at the moderators discretion. Please report a post if you think it should fall in line with breaking this rule.
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Recommended Communities:
Check out [email protected] for more AI Images.
Check out [email protected] for discussion about AI tools you can use in your Dungeons & Dragons games.
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I have a wife with an art degree, and we talk about this extensively.
People said the same kinds of things about photoshop. "Well how are artists going to keep making things unique when just anybody can use a photo manipulation software?" The fact is that art adapted and physical mediums became more appreciated for what they are. People realized photoshop is just a tool.
Lots of people once thought that cameras captured your soul. Once the hype died down, most realized how revolutionary the ability to capture reality in a moment really was, not the least of which how useful it is to other art. Photo capture technology is a fantastical tool that most of human history could only dream of, which we wholly take for granted today.
AI generation is a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact is that AI generation very often doesn't produce good art, and like any tool, you have to be proficient in it to know how to create something good.
Or, if you're like my wife, you use it as an incredible tool to generate references to create and enhance your own style. AI generation is highly sophisticated and maybe even intimidating, but it's nowhere close to replacing the artist.