this post was submitted on 05 Sep 2023
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I seriously don't get it. Why do people expect to be able to get the most powerful enchantment in the game with just a a villager, a lectern, a book and some emeralds? And it's not even that hard to get WITH the changes. Swamps aren't that rare (even if they were, IT'S THE MOST POWERFUL ENCHANTMENT IN THE GAME), and getting 2 villagers there shouldn't be too hard once you build a nether tunnel.

But what gets me the most is people saying this new approach is too grindy. How is exploring your world to find a swamp biome grindy? How is leveling up A SINGLE villager to Master (I think) grindy? Probably the one part of this to be even close to "grindy" is getting the villagers to a swamp, but it's not that hard. It should require some effort to get the best enchantment.

Yes, you'll need to ACTUALLY EXPLORE YOUR WORLD to get easy enchants. Yes you'll need to ACTUALLY TRADE WITH YOUR VILLAGERS to get easy enchants. This is actually ELIMINATING some RNG. You no longer have to spam Lecterns. You have to PUT THE FREAKING WORK IN and get the villager to Master level. But then it's GUARANTEED you get a Mending book.

Please tell me if I'm missing something that would make this whole rant pointless.

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[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I’m not upset about the extra effort for Mending. I’m upset that the only way to get Efficiency from the villagers is not just the desert biome, but it’s also capped at III. In fact, all of the special guaranteed books once you level to Master (except for Silk Touch and Mending) are lower-level. It’s Efficiency III, Unbreaking II, Protection III, Sharpness III, and Fortune II. (Source) Not sure if I would be able to get maxed gear by combining villager enchants on an anvil anymore thanks to the prior work penalty and having to combine more things. I could always just luck out on an enchanting table and get Efficiency V, but I miss the reliable source of an enchant I liked instead of having to rely on RNG.

I’d be fine with the new requirements if the max rewards weren’t lower-level enchants. With the enchants being lower-level I feel no incentive to level anyone but the Silk Touch and Mending librarians to Master.

EDIT: I checked with the help of this tool and I can successfully get maxed tools with only the books I can get from the new villagers. Also tried to make a max sword in-game under the limits and it worked out. Not sure about armor but I frankly don’t personally care much about it. Still wish the books unlocked at Master weren’t capped so low, but my immediate worry about obtaining max tools and a max sword is assuaged.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

100% agree. This is the one thing I would change about the new system. And also being able to get ALL enchants from villagers.