Pittsburgh Steelers
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When they signed Kwiatkoski wasn't it in response to losing someone else? Tae Crowder or Chapelle Russell maybe? I figured he was mostly a camp body and insurance in case one of the other guys got injured. I can't remember if it was before or after Alexander signed though.
I'm really wondering how many ILB's they're going to keep. With Keanu Neal's flexibility, plus other CB's who can flex into safety, maybe they just keep 4 regular ILB's?
Alexander was the last linebacker signed but he came in for a visit a couple weeks before signing, probably before we signed Kwiatkoski. I think that both Kwiatkoski and Muse were brought in to compete for the 3rd/4th linebacker spots after Alexander left without a deal, and then when he signed it cut those spots down to 1, and Mark Robinson has been a favourite of the coaching staff.
Looks like they did keep 4, which is what I was really expecting. Herbig might get some snaps inside as well this season.