this post was submitted on 25 Aug 2023
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The negative reviews on Steam are hilarious. Most of them have 0.5 hours on record and are complaining that they can't beat the first boss. Which means they most likely spent no more than 10 minutes trying.
It's not like their complaints are entirely without merit though. I expected difficulty with a From Software game but usually there is an on-ramp to the difficulty.
In AC6 that's completely missing. You're given four trivial fights with almost no tutorialization before being put against a boss that expects you to know about the (yet unexplained) stagger bar and also expects you to use your sword against the helicopter which is somewhat unintuitive, especially since you've only been told to use the sword once and it was against enemies with a shield which reinforces the idea that sword beats shield, and the helicopter has no shield.
Honestly, welcome to Armored Core. A brutal first mission is a staple of the series.
Fair enough. This is indeed my first Armored Core experience and I expected an uphill struggle coming in on iteration 6 of the series, but clearly I wasn't prepared for this :P
I'll get there eventually. Just need to keep ramming my head against it until something clicks