this post was submitted on 19 Aug 2023
64 points (97.1% liked)


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Geocaching is a worldwide scavenger hunt that uses a GPS or phone app with GPS. There are over 3 million active caches around the world. Some are as small as a dime, others are big enough to walk into, all of them provide a unique adventure. We invite you to share your stories, photos, and experiences!

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This cache was placed on November 29, 2002. After finding it lying out in the open, I was amazed to discover the original log book still intact, with entries dating back to the FTF (names redacted for privacy):

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[โ€“] Tot 11 points 10 months ago (1 children)

That's pretty cool! How do you think it has lasted out there for so long?

[โ€“] LeftRedditOnJul1 10 points 10 months ago

Yeah, I was pretty surprised myself... this was near a camping ground too, so a pretty frequented place. I suppose it might have just been re-hidden badly by a recent finder