
joined 2 years ago
[–] Tot 17 points 1 day ago

I suggested she go potty before bedtime.

[–] Tot 6 points 6 days ago

Those 12 weeks will be no walk in the park. You rightfully state you'll be taking care of everyone, and it's 24/7 juggling new dynamics and a whole new human being's needs.

Yes, people survive with less time or no time off at all. I'm convinced some brag about it like some badge of honor to make themselves feel better.

Thank you for being considerate of your family's needs. Good luck!

[–] Tot 2 points 6 days ago

This doesn't apply to a front loader, does it?

[–] Tot 15 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Not every pedestrian follows the rules of the lights though. And not every pedestrian makes it across the road in time before the light changes colors from red to green.

[–] Tot 4 points 6 days ago

Just put them in a bubble.

I'm coming down with whatever plague my kid has, which was inevitable because she coughs and sneezes in my face regularly. The other night, she stuck her thumb in my mouth. The thumb she sucks.

[–] Tot 2 points 1 week ago

You're doing great. These tiny humans are very stressful and can be very difficult. It's hard for everyone when they have limited means of communication. You are human, with human reactions. Be gentle with yourself.

[–] Tot 2 points 1 week ago

And you probably shouldn't throw things at them.

[–] Tot 4 points 2 weeks ago

For sure. I told her that she didn't have to, it's not her job or chore. She's 4, for context. I just want her to pick up her toys at the end of the day 😭

Mostly though, I want her to know that I appreciate her, and that I notice the little things.

What do you think would have been helpful for you growing up?

[–] Tot 12 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I like to tell my husband about various things our daughter does when I know she's probably listening. "She helped me with dishes, I didn't even ask. She just came over and said she wanted to help, so when I asked her to dry a pile of bowls, she didn't even hesitate. She was so careful and gentle and so thorough."

[–] Tot 3 points 3 weeks ago

Finally caught up...

Ok, John Noble whistles in some episode(s) of Fringe, so that makes me think the whistling person whose face we don't see is Fields.

Burt having been with Lumon for 20 years and being like Attila the Hun makes me think he had to do with Lumon's early testing of severance.

Why TF would anyone invite the person who was screaming at the door over for dinner? I think Burt invited Irving to get him out of his apartment so Drummond could sneak in and snoop.

Is it possible that Irving is actually Burt's old Lumon partner?

[–] Tot 13 points 1 month ago

The clothing styles I wore in middle school are cool now, except those damn low rise flares will not work on me at 40 because my mid-section would flab out everywhere. Damn kids.

My shoulder still hurts from last week when I slept funny.

The idea of staying out past 10pm sounds terrible.

I almost set up a breakfast date with a friend for 7am.

I'm really excited for a larger capacity water heater.

I'm starting to do that thing where I look down to focus on small text right in front of me.

[–] Tot 37 points 1 month ago

"abortion pill reversal" sounded like bullshit to me, so I looked it up.

Here's what ACOG has to say: Facts Are Important: Medication Abortion "Reversal" Is Not Supported by Science

Tooth fairy?? (self.parenting)
submitted 4 months ago by Tot to c/parenting

Who came up with the tooth fairy anyways, this is ridiculous.

My kid has been talking about it because some classmates have lost teeth recently. It got me thinking the whole thing is bonkers. We're supposed to sneak in and put money under their pillow? How TF do we do this without waking them up? And HOW MUCH? Has the tooth fairy kept up with inflation?

My kids haven't lost any teeth yet. Looking for input and fun stories from parents with kids who have lost teeth!

Parenting is Stressful (self.parenting)
submitted 5 months ago by Tot to c/parenting

The Daily: The Parents Aren't Alright - Link

My crummy tl;dr - Intensive parenting and social media parenting shit making us feel guilty for everything. Previous generations parenting was going about life with the kid doing whatever on their own. Now we are on the floor with them always in their business thinking and preparing ten steps ahead

I'm curious what parents of kids 5+ think of this. At one point in the podcast, someone says, "Bigger kids, bigger problems is what they say. It becomes less physically demanding, but it’s more mentally demanding."

My kids are 4 and under, so I'm definitely in a phase where they are physically demanding.

School age kids? (self.parenting)
submitted 8 months ago by Tot to c/parenting

Do folks here have school age kids? Curious about parenting struggles and how issues have been resolved.

submitted 2 years ago by Tot to c/parenting

Running out of ideas to entertain my toddler and preschooler. Help! One eats everything and the other is in full three-nager mode.

Toddler Antics (self.parenting)
submitted 2 years ago by Tot to c/parenting

My 3 year old just kicked me off the couch so she could invite her dad to come snuggle with her.

What are your kids up to?

New parenting community (self.parenting)
submitted 2 years ago by Tot to c/parenting

I've been thinking about this for a few days. I want a place where parents can come talk about parenting with a group of peers to commiserate, seek advice, provide advice, etc.

Parents of all children of all ages are welcome.

submitted 2 years ago by Tot to c/parenting

Title says it all. I've built up communities before but that w as s before I had any children. I'd love some help here. Something about how it takes a village comes to mind. 😂

I want this to be a respectful place. If a child's health or safety is at risk, feel free to speak up. Respectfully.

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