this post was submitted on 17 Aug 2023
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I posted a couple weeks ago about an upcoming mental health evaluation that I was anxious about. That evaluation was today.

For background, I am a middle aged white guy, previously untreated for any psychiatric condition except a < 2 month stint on SSRI's about two decades ago after a nasty breakup.

I was seeking an evaluation for what I thought from my online research might be mild to moderate ADHD symptoms, which were starting to affect my job. I also have suffered from irrational anxiety for a couple years now, but it got really bad over the last year or so. I had tried going through my primary care doctor but, despite being a great GP, they were not helpful with this. I bounced off a few other attempts over several months before finally getting referred to a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD. I saw them this morning.

I utilized the advice I was given and let the psychiatrist know very early in the meeting what my concerns were around rehearsing/masking, and that I was extremely anxious, not about the 'interview', but about the outcome. Mostly how I was very worried that I would appear to 'have it together' to such an extent that they would send me home to live with my issues without any help.

This was supposed to be a general mental health eval for about 50 minutes, but the doctor kept me there for about 85 minutes and I walked out with a fresh diagnosis of mild ADHD and three prescriptions. I've been prescribed daily low dose Focalin and a SNRI, along with an anti-anxiety sleep aid that I can take as needed. I had trouble finding a pharmacy that had Focalin in stock but eventually found one and I'm waiting for the prescription to get transferred by the doctor, so I likely won't start that until next week.

I don't know what's next, I don't know how these meds will affect me or if they will help at all, but I'm hopeful. I've very nervous about the SNRI because I did NOT like how I felt on SSRIs 20 years ago, but I'm willing to try what the doctor recommended. It feels like a new chapter is about to start, for better or worse.

Thanks to all that gave me advice in the other thread. I don't know why I felt like I had to write all this out, but thanks for reading this, too. For everyone out there struggling, please don't give up. It took me almost a year from when I knew I had a problem that needed some attention, until today when I finally saw someone who listened, agreed with my concerns, and took action. Keep trying.

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[–] CarbonatedPastaSauce 1 points 1 year ago

Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope so too! I am probably most nervous about the SNRI because I really, really hated how I felt when I was on SSRIs for just a few weeks. It did help with the depression I had at the time, but it also sucked all the color out of life. Fortunately I don't think I'm suffering from any severe depression right now so I'm hoping I have a better outcome this time.