this post was submitted on 15 Jun 2023
-26 points (37.5% liked)


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A community to discuss conservative politics and views.


  1. No racism or bigotry.

  2. Be civil: disagreements happen, but that doesn't provide the right to personally insult others.

  3. No spam posting.

  4. Submission headline should match the article title (don't cherry-pick information from the title to fit your agenda).

  5. Shitposts and memes are allowed until they prove to be a problem. They can and will be removed at moderator discretion.

  6. No trolling.

founded 1 year ago

There should be some moderators looking after this community.

The sidebar should be filled with at least a description of what this is for, and some basic rules. Also posts/comments that are off-topic or break server/community rules should be removed. I think 3 mods to start would be OK, they can appoint more mods if needed.

If we can't find moderatos, we'll have to close this community.

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[–] shemmy 4 points 1 year ago (8 children)

I’m new around here, but I’m down to help with the TLC this community needs. Whether people agree with this community or not, bombarding it with anti-conservative posts isn’t helping anyone.

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