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I've been on a journey to collect every -tris game that plays on the original Game Boy. :) I haven't played Tetris 2 very much yet.
The most addicting has been Tetris Blast, aka Tetris with bombs.
Then there's Tetris Plus which was surprisingly addicting! I did a review of it here.
Wordtris is surprisingly fun and chill, like doing a Tetris word search.
I can't stand Tetris Attack, mostly because I'm so bad at it. XD
I actually grabbed Tetris Attack just a month or so ago, and I've really liked it! I played it quite a bit with my 10 year old daughter, we compared a lot of our scores and shared passwords for advancing the campaign.
Also love that the campaign has a Yoshi's Island themed story with multiple characters and little cutscenes of Yoshi running to new areas.
Yeah, the graphics, cutscenes, story, everything is incredibly polished, and it really did hook me! I'm just soooo bad at it. 😆
Also fun fact, one big difference between the SNES and Game Boy versions of the game is that the main theme, Yoshi's Stage music, is much better in the Game Boy version! It has this key change in the middle that is just 😙👌
Game Boy