this post was submitted on 24 Jul 2023
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So I'm gearing up to once again start something and I've got an idea in my head. But once I put it down into something concise it either becomes bloaty or dry. I mean just the parts below are almost a google docs page, pretty much 2000 characters. And that is even when I removed 2/3 of the situation text as it was rather big picture information. Explicitly writing down the campaign style was something I took Colville's recent game design video, trying it out.

What I really would love feedback on is mainly Situation. Enough/too little information? Is it confusing? Does the information fit with the Campaign Style? And also is Campaign Style something fitting in a campaign ad/synopsis?


You all are part of the third imperially sponsored caravan into the Aablu, the hot and arid lands east of the Pearl Cities. The first caravan went out eight months ago and was expected to have returned two months ago. Second left four months ago with another destination. Yours have the same destination as the first with the additional task of bringing back news of the first.

Information about Aablu is scarce and unreliable, mostly because traders and inhabitants in the Pearl Cities don’t venture into it and its local people consider themselves under no obligation to divulge information. There are of course tidbits of information: old travellers’ journals, hearsay and sales-talk. You are not headed blind into the Aablu, only mostly.

The caravan itself is the size of a small village, with competent people of various professions who are there for their own reasons. Some want to strike it rich, some are running from something, some are there for the glory and some just want a bit of adventure. Your characters are also competent individuals, filling a role in the caravan and have ambition to make something extra of themselves.

Campaign style

Adventurous daring sword and sorcery.

Adventurous - The very nature of the caravan is an adventure and on it are those with an adventurous spirit. When it calls, your characters are those who step up, those who have a bit extra drive to see what is on the other side of the hill.

Daring - Rewarded are those who boldly go where no one has gone before. Daring plans are to be rewarded and there is always a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Sword and Sorcery (from Wikipedia) - A subgenre of fantasy characterized by sword-wielding heroes engaged in exciting and violent adventures. Elements of romance, magic, and the supernatural are also often present. Unlike works of high fantasy, the tales, though dramatic, focus on personal battles rather than world-endangering matters.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I love it, the question I'm left with is "As a player character, how does this culture impact me?" I can see I'm a competent individual with a role in the caravan sponsored by the empire, but who are the empire? What are the typical beliefs and ideals of the people of the caravan, so I have an idea of how to complement and contrast them? Can I play any race? Can I have knowledge of the desert or play a desert terrain ranger?

But even without that information you're more than ready, this is a great pitch that I'd love to see as a player. Your audience at the end of this is 3-8 people or whatever and have more than enough here to tell me you have a compelling world that I'd have fun exploring, don't overthink perfection in this hobby where chance and circumstance dictates half the fun and get this to your players.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Much of what you wonder about are things that once was in the situation but was moved to the Big Picture. I would love to have something about the triangle drama between the empire, the now subjugated pearl cities and the locals of the (immideate) dry lands. How the cultural traits of the empire drives its structure and imperialistic tendencies. Why it couldn't just take over the pearl trade networks and how the spreading common faith is pulling power away from the empire. But as said that would be too much for the ad. The Big Picture, as well the larger setting ("overview") document, will be attached to it for those wanting to delve deeper.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

I like the approach of having a deeper document to dive into, I've read plenty of setting guides that are so dense that I just bounce off them.