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The only FOMO aspect I hate is missing out on armor as I quite enjoy fashion. It use to be shaders but I’ve come to learn it’s not worth playing things like Trials, Crucible, or IB if I am not enjoying the game, so the “fear” of missing shaders has passed me by thankfully.
Genuine question though. What do you want him to say about FOMO? He’s offering solutions for a situation that doesn’t currently have one.
Maybe this is just me but I don’t think Datto is deflecting criticism for Bungie in this video. As it stands right now, there are no measures in place to view any previous seasonal cutscenes or anything other than the random channels who re-upload stuff. He isn’t defending it. He’s just stating the situation, and here’s what you can do if you’re concerned about missing something.
Just want to say I agree with your second point, I also didn't get the conclusion that he's dismissing criticism. I understood his message as simply if you're not enjoying the game then take a break- criticism or feedback is still valid but don't force yourself to try to engage in a game that doesn't bring you some form of entertainment