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Because it's a cult.
Fascism and religion run on the same hardware. The paramount values are obedience to a higher power, and the core belief in the scriptures/propaganda.
This is why centrist politics never work. Why make a step towards them when they will never make a step towards you?
Anyone who believes in the fairy tale of religion is going to be more susceptible to other lies.
But that doesn’t explain why some people are way more susceptible to being stuck in a cult than others.
Personally I think it’s genetic. It’s some kind of brain feature that leads to people having beliefs that are extremely hard to change. I say this is a feature, not a defect, because you only have to go back a few hundred years to find a society where not having the right belief system can quickly lead to ostracization and death.
It’s a survival tool that has suddenly found itself in the modern informational environment and it can’t cope. See it in action and it’s incredibly tragic.