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I'm confused. You are depressed by your parents so you moved back in with them? It seems like that would only make your situation worse... This sounds difficult. I can understand being sensitive and wanting to make the best of things but being put down. We can't control others. It sounds like the first step would be to find your own place and get professional help to deal with your trauma.
I didn't go here voluntarily. I wasn't able to live on my own because of my depression and the only alternative would've been to be homeless. I didn't want to be here since day one but it's putting me down so much that I'm feeling incapable of getting out.
Oh, I got it. Thanks for explaining. Sorry for simplifying your issue. Hard to understand what others are going through.
Are you able to see a therapist? They really helped me.
Again, I can really understand wanting to be nice and being called sensitive. I feel for that sensitivity but also hate how that term can be used by others to disregard our feelings. I'm very sorry for your situation.
What about joining the military or a monastery? You can be a monk for a while.
A friend of mine did this on his twenties and it really helped him out.
You’d have to dedicate your life to monastic living, but there are worse ways to spend one’s time.
Alternative is the military. Obviously there are ethical questions you’d have to answer there for yourself.
The monk part is actually a great idea, I've never thought about that. I'm not sure if there are availabilities around me though
My friend went to Thailand, but part of his monk training involved martial arts training in Germany. He’s now re-joined regular life. He lives in Boston now and he’s a psychotherapist, meditation instructor, husband, and father.