this post was submitted on 15 Feb 2025
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[–] themeatbridge 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If you haven't bothered to watch the last 4 of em (Deadpool and Wolverine, The Marvels, GotG3, Quantumania) then why would you watch this one? Can't you ignore it and let people enjoy things that don't involve you?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Because I do actually like the MCU and would like to see it improved. It's just been overwhelming for too long and I'd like to express my opinion about that. I never said you or others can't go enjoy it.

TBH, My big problem is that they all tie into each other and there's been a constant unending flood of them for years and years.

If I wanted to watch this one; I'd have to overcome the burnout that set in half a decade ago and watch like 5 2.5hour movies in a row just to understand wtf is happening.

I really don't watch a ton of movies; to keep up with the MCU in any capacity, I'd basically have to abandon watching anything else and only ever see MCU content. It's exhausting.

I just want them to take a damn break for a while and let the public actually build some desire to see the content. I'm just one example/voice, but I'm certainly not the only one.

[–] jordanlund 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That's really been the problem, they stopped tying into each other with Phase 4 and 5.

There's a kind of touchstone between Loki on Disney+ with Quantumania and Deadpool and Wolverine, but they each stand alone.

Other than that? The only crossover is the general mood of "boo hoo, I got snapped" or "boo hoo, my life got ruined when everyone else got snapped."

It's not cohesive like it used to be.

I do like that the new Cap movie throws back to Eternals and Incredible Hulk though...