not the fault of your fellow citizens that they are inundated with toxic media controlled by the billionaires, cut short of good education funding, mind dulled plus the body made sick by pollution, constant threat of jackboots all while living on a poisoned earth
get the fuck out of here with your horseshit of helping our jailers by being against your fellow citizens for actions caused by the ones who owns our Republican and Democrat political leaders
You are misguided. The poorest don't have time to even consider you. The people this will most effect are disproportionately people of color and left leaning people. It's called the Black Belt if you care to look it up. It overlaps with the blue stripe on every voting map of Alabama and accompanies high poverty rates.
Lmao, hope they suffer as much as they desired to make other suffer. Karma is a wheel and I fully expect these people to be crushed under its weight
not the fault of your fellow citizens that they are inundated with toxic media controlled by the billionaires, cut short of good education funding, mind dulled plus the body made sick by pollution, constant threat of jackboots all while living on a poisoned earth
get the fuck out of here with your horseshit of helping our jailers by being against your fellow citizens for actions caused by the ones who owns our Republican and Democrat political leaders
These people want people like me dead or gone. They are not fellow citizens, they are clear and present threats.
You are misguided. The poorest don't have time to even consider you. The people this will most effect are disproportionately people of color and left leaning people. It's called the Black Belt if you care to look it up. It overlaps with the blue stripe on every voting map of Alabama and accompanies high poverty rates.
Alabama went to trump. Every person who voted for trump wants me and people like me gone, either passively or directly.
Anyone who is stuck there and not in favor of what's happening I feel bad for. Not the rest.